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Showing posts from November, 2023

Some Ignorant Thoughts on Abductions.

Greetings. Alien abduction.  The term "alien abduction" brings to mind a whole slew of specific details. Medical examinations. Being taken aboard a flying saucer. Interceptions on a dark, lonely road. Floating out of a cozy bedroom or living room. The characteristic details are familiar, even to those who have no specific knowledge or interest in the UFO topic. Beginning with the Antonio Villas-Boas abduction case from October 16th of 1957, the first historical case on the books, the abduction enigma has evolved over time, with some witness details remaining constant and unchanged, while other details have altered to an extent, with some newer ones becoming part of the reported scenario. The result of these gradual changes is that the entire abduction enigma seems to have evolved as our society has during the same time frame. Abductees have reported their alleged events, and for the most part, have pushed back against any explanations other than the fantastical or the extrate

Where are all the Major Events?

Greetings. The modern history of the UFO phenomenon features some truly interesting and thought-provoking events. That fact is beyond dispute.  The Foo Fighters. The Ghost Rockets. Roswell. The Washington Nationals. Socorro. Exeter. Dexter/Hillsdale. The Phoenix Lights. Stephenville. There are many, many more unexplained occurrences that are deserving of mention here, but the totality of the situation is not the focus of this blog posting, a possible change is. As more recent decades have passed, it seems that the regularity of major UFO events has gradually fallen off for some reason. Taking a cursory look at this century, we have only a few robust events of note. The Chicago O'Hare event from November of 2006 and the Stephenville, Texas events from January of 2008. Not a long list, not at all. Now there certainly have been other reported events of some note that remain unexplained, but very few that feature multiple independent witnesses spread out over a wide geographical area.

Legitimacy? Attained or a Pipe Dream?

Greetings. The UFO topic has struggled mightily to attain a level of legitimacy in the eyes of the general public, not to mention the scientific community. Has any progress been made to alleviate the situation? Back in the 1950's, 1960's, and 1970's the so-called contactees were quite popular. Their tales of being invited onboard flying saucers, traveling to Mars, Venus, and other planets, and meeting well-endowed blonde-haired females made for good fodder. Their place was secure in the spotlight, but they never provided any evidence to support their laughable and admittedly embarrassing claims. For a while, George Adamski and his peers held a place in the UFO subculture, but as time moved forward, their collective fame began to wane, or did it?  Nowadays we have Demi Lovato and Tom DeLonge to carry the flag of nonsensical content, among others too numerous to name in a single blog posting. They are alive and well. Their voices have not been silenced, in fact, they have gai

The Meandering Elizondo Walkabout Continues.

Greetings. Since December of 2017, Mr. Luis Elizondo has been the face of the "Disclosure Movement." His words and statements carry a substantial amount of weight in UFO circles, with his vocal output being interesting and quite voluminous to say the very least.  Some of Mr. Elizondo's past statements about a potential disclosure read as follows: 1. "We may not be alone." December of 2017. 2. "I think disclosure already occurred." August of 2018. 3. "Disclosure already occurred." December of 2018. 4. "A lot of people ask me, 'So do you think disclosure has occurred?' And I think it has occurred." April of 2019. 5. "2021 is shaping up to be a banner year." December of 2020. 6. "Pay attention for the next 30 days, I think this conversation is about to get real interesting." May of 2021. 7. "I think 2022 is going to be an even better year. We've got so many things planned." January of 2022. 8.

Same Difference.

Greetings. The UFO subculture has a healthy population of celebrities and personalities, the majority of which are not making any substantial contributions to the search for answers to the UFO problem. The "field" of cryptozoology is no different.  Mr. Ken Gerhard, at left, and Mr. Lyle Blackburn are two of the most well-known personalities in the world of cryptozoology, with both gentlemen being very active, making appearances at a wide variety of events, on podcasts and radio shows, and having written several books on the topic at hand. Mr. Gerhard describes himself as a widely recognized cryptozoologist, author, lecturer, and TV personality. Mr. Blackburn describes himself as an author, musician, legend hunter, and TV personality. Not exactly highly credentialed, scientifically minded researchers. Despite that, Mr. Gerhard and Mr. Blackburn are not engaging in fraud, especially when labeling themselves for the public. They are being honest and straightforward in their self

The Goldberg Syndrome Revisited.

Greetings. A few months ago, I happened to have the opportunity to interact with Mr. Sid Goldberg, an Emmy award-winning writer, director, and producer. Unfortunately, the interaction went rather badly, motivating me to write up a blog posting on Facebook about the occurrence.  Entitled "The Goldberg Syndrome," the blog focused on the amateurish, immatuure, disrespectful, unproductive behavior of Mr. Goldberg. The link to the blog posting in question is .  Since the initial publication of that blog posting, I have not heard from Mr. Goldberg, but that changed overnight. A comment was left behind attached to an article I shared in another Facebook group, a comment which reads, and I quote: "...Said the clown with no expertise!" I made no effort to respond to his comment, nor will I moving forward, but it does

Exploration, an Essential Endeavor.

Greetings. Exploration. The attempt to learn all there is to learn, to know all that is knowable.  We have only begun to scratch the surface, only taken a few small tentative steps into the unknown that surrounds us, the universe. The Pioneer probes, the Voyager probes, and the many planetary probes that have explored the solar system from orbit and from the surfaces of Mars, Titan, Venus, and the Moon. All worthwhile endeavors, all scientifically revealing, all memorable accomplishments in human history.    Now it is time to take another step forward, to move beyond low Earth orbit, to make the journey to Mars, to Ceres, and to the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. Why? Because we need to. Exploration is an essential aspect of the human condition. We will cease to advance without the challenge of exploration. We will stunt our growth as a society without the challenge of exploration. It is a part of us. It always has been.  Ever since our prehistoric ancestors emerged from the landscapes o

A Correction and an Unfortunate Revelation.

Greetings. The effort to collect and chronicle information, regardless of topic, is of absolute importance. For reasons that go without saying, that effort including the collection of witness testimonials. Attorneys, journalists, UFO investigators, and law enforcement officials are all aware of the necessity to accurately collect information, accurately being the operative word.  When information is not collected in an accurate manner, details can be lost or misinterpreted, which can lead professionals astray. The parties involved can become misinformed as a result of inaccurate or misleading content. The correct usage of the English language is part of that all-important and worthwhile endeavor.  I was recently made aware of my unfortunate misusage of the terms "its" and "it's" by Mr. Art Levine, an award-winning journalist who works as a contributing editor of The Washington Monthly. Mr. Levine has written for Salon, Truthout, The Atlantic, and The Daily Beast

Permian Age Civilization? A Loeb Theory and its Holes.

Greetings. The scientific method is the investigative approach that all scientists are supposed to strictly adhere to. The method's strict standards are to be maintained throughout the investigative process, with all resulting hypothesis being open to continuous scrutiny by all parties, involved and otherwise.  Mr. Avi Loeb, in an article recently published on the online news platform "The Debrief" has offered an interesting theory to explain the UFO problem. Mr. Loeb, a Professor of Science at Harvard University who works in the fields of cosmology and astrophysics, offered a hypothesis that posits that the extinction event known as The Great Dying, which took place approximately 251.9 million years ago at the boundary between the Permian and Triassic Periods, was caused by global warming due to the existence of an unknown advanced civilization on Earth. The link to the article in question is at

Follow Through? Evidently Not.

Greetings. One aspect of the unknown, of should I say, of the attempt to explore the unknown that I find interesting is how often people claim that physical evidence was at the sites of alleged anomalous events, yet that alleged physical evidence never comes to light. Why is that? Mr. Christopher O'Brien recently commented on a blog posting I shared on a Facebook group. His comment reads, and I quote: "Stan Gordon had a fascinating '70s case in PA that IMO is highly credible featuring large hairy beings and a landed craft leaving glowing physical evidence behind after it took off. A PA State Patrolman was one of the witnesses and Gordon was on site the same night as the alleged event occured. The well investigated, documented account is in his excellent book Silent Invasion."  I responded to Mr. O'Brien's comments as follows: "Was any physical evidence that was determined to be anomalous collected at the site?" As of this writing, Mr. O'Brien has

My Friend and His Fight.

Greetings. My friend Kevin Douglas Randle.  Life is not fair. Truer words have never been spoken. Some sad and unfortunate news has come to light. My friend Kevin Randle has been diagnosed with cancer. The news appeared on his blog platform with the link available at . To quote my friend Nick Roesler, "Kevin is one of the good guys." Absolutely! I have had the honor and privilege of calling Kevin a friend for many years, and I have always been awed by his dedication to the work, and by his ability to maintain his personal and professional integrity all along the way. His dispassionate approach to UFO research is something to behold, and is an investigative standard that all younger generations of researchers would do well to emulate and embrace. I could write about all my personal experiences with Kevin, but this blog posting is not about yours truly. Needless to say, Kevin has earned the respect of the entire UFO sub

Are Unsubstantiated Claims and Stories Good Enough?

Greetings. Why is anecdotal information taken as evidence? Why does alleged physical evidence never seem to see the light of day? Why is the UFO subculture so uncomfortable being asked valid questions? Recent comments I came across on Facebook have motivated this particular blog posting. Off we go.... The following quote is a comment I received on a post I made on my Facebook platform a few days ago. The initial quote of "I've never seen a shred of UFO evidence" is not correct, for I actually stated "There is no evidence that has been proven to be, after scientific examination, non-terrestrial in nature and artificial in form." Nevertheless, the comment reads as follows: “I’ve never seen a shred of UFO evidence.”...Then you aren’t even looking!  There is an embarrassment of physical evidence and always has been. Here’s a tiny, tiny list:  1) Unidentifiable alloys in Bigelows warehouse  1.5) Whole autos with monopole magnetic alignment after proximity to craft 2)

The Di Dio Syndrome.

Greetings. The effort to civilly exchange ideas and opinions is an essential aspect of the process of discovery. Being able to openly converse about important issues and unknowns can be a rewarding experience, but alas.... Occasionally, I come across people who are very willing to comment, but are just as unwilling, or are unable, to offer their own points of view or opinions. As a result of their lack of reasonable follow-through, they contribute absolutely nothing to the conversations. I recently wrote up a short blog posting on my Facebook platform which focused on the statements made by Luis Elizondo. The post garnered quite a number of insightful and thoughtful comments, which is the norm since my readers are intelligent and approach the issues at hand in a serious manner. Mr. Rick Di Dio, a resident of Alvin, Texas, decided to embrace a different course of action, making nonsensical comments about the blog without putting in his own "two cents."  When I asked him to ela

Liars, Frauds, and Misrepresenters.

Greetings. I am occasionally asked why I write about so many of the troubling issues within the UFO subculture. One reason, actually two. One, because the troubling issues exist, and I cannot in good conscience simply ignore them. Two, I am passionate about the UFO question, and I care deeply about the integrity of the entire UFO subculture, even though I am not an active participant in the movement.  There are many outstanding people involved in UFO research, individuals with integrity, an unshakable commitment to the work, and a high level of professionalism. They consistently grind the research stone in the never-ending effort to solve, or at the very least, learn about the UFO problem and it's innumerable questions. I cannot offer enough kind words of support and encouragement to those people, they are all deserving of our accolades, for they conduct their workmanlike efforts behind the scenes, without attention, out of the limelight, and beyond the prying eyes of the UFO subcu

Mind Bogging Distances, Too Much to Overcome?

Greetings. The search for extraterrestrial life has been going on for as long as humans have been looking up into the skies. Nowadays we are applying our technologies to the effort, attempting to listen for signals that would confirm that advanced extraterrestrial civilizations are out there, themselves possibly listening for signs of the exact same thing.  As of this writing, we have not found any evidence to scientifically prove the existence of extraterrestrial life, which is not really surprising considering the monumental distances involved. Since our efforts are focused on listening for signals or broadcasts traveling in normal space, the speed of light is the universal constant at play, constantly.  299,792,458 meters per second, or if you are using an antiquated method of measuring things, 186,000 miles per second.  According to Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity, the speed of light is the upper limit at which energy or matter can travel through normal space. Fast, but

Funny How it Never Seems to Happen.

Unfulfilled promises. Snippets of information that never come to fruition. Claims of groundbreaking evidence that never seem to be delivered.  Such is the modern history of the UFO problem, or should I more correctly state, such is the recent history of the UFO subculture. For a few decades now, UFO personalities have consistently made claims of videos showing aliens, as with the Varginha, Brazil case, those particular claims having been made by filmmaker James Fox. Have those alleged videos ever seen the light of day? No. Claims of physical evidence of alien visitation have been made for a few decades now, by UFO personalities like Steven Greer, Jaime Maussan, the late Clifford Stone, and Linda Moulton Howe. Has any physical evidence that has been scientifically proven to be extraterrestrial and artificially constructed been offered for the public to openly scrutinize? No. Claims of documentation concerning hospital x-ray scans, surgical procedures, and government cover-ups are made b

Vehicle of Unknown Origin??

Greetings. Jeremy Corbell. David Charles Grusch. George Knapp. The names are well-known to members of the UFO subculture, laypeople and researchers alike. The three gentlemen have taken all the air out of the UFO room, with the UFO subculture seemingly hanging on each and every word that manages to find it's way out of their overly active mouthpieces.  Early this morning, Mr. Corbell released an image that has been making the rounds on social media. I myself shared the image in a blog posting on my Facebook platform. The link to that blog posting is available at Mr. Corbell stated on his posting, and I quote "This is a military filmed UAP that was fired upon by a UK fighter jet with a missile. Despite initially being reported by mainstream media as a “hostile drone”, this vehicle of unknown origin has been officially des

My Subjective Thoughts on Roswell.

Greetings. Roswell. The word brings to mind the possibility of first contact.  Perhaps the most iconic and important historical UFO case on the books, the Roswell case from July 1947 is still controversial to this very day. The story of the recovery of an unidentified flying object, and the U.S. government's subsequent cover-up of the event is the stuff of legend. The names are well-known; Roger Ramey, Mac Brazel, Jesse Marcel, Walter Haut, Glenn Dennis, Frank Kaufmann, Sheridan Cavitt, William Blanchard. The specifics of the story are also well-known, so I won't rehash them here, but I will make my own subjective opinions known. The possibility of an unidentified flying object crashing into the New Mexico desert is not beyond the realm of reasonable possibility. It's discovery may have occurred quite a number of days after it first came to rest on the Foster Ranch, again a reasonable possibility since the area in question is vast and free of landmarks or other points of re

The Profound Artform.

"The most profound way of learning to think is to learn to write, and edit."  Wise words from Mr. Jordan B. Peterson Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and author. Wise words that certainly apply to social media, and by extension, a good deal of the UFO subculture. Take a cursory scan of the various platforms on social media. What quickly becomes apparent is that there is not a great deal of actual writing going on. Rather, the sharing of unsubstantiated links is the norm; the lazy sharing of information gathered by others, information which may or may not be accurate. The situation is common to personal accounts, the various groups that are attached to the main platforms, and even to blog platforms, which are supposed to be avenues for thought expressed through writing, with most not delivering on that opportunity.  The process of writing allows the author of the piece the chance to conduct some dogged research, to use some critical thinking, and to carefully consider each and e

Nobody Cares Enough to Speak Up.

Greetings. The UFO subculture is a mess.  Entertainment and nonsensical content. That describes the majority of the UFO subculture. The shameless promotion of shows and merchandise rules the roost, so to speak. Legitimate scientific research of the UFO problem takes a seat at the very back of the extraterrestrial bus, and has no boarding pass to call upon. The situation has not always been this dysfunctional, but the heady days of Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Dr. James E. McDonald, Coral and Jim Lorenzen, Richard Hall, and Ted Phillips have come and gone, with that particular ship having sailed decades ago.  Nowadays we have celebrities posing as researchers, with the UFO public soaking it all in like an ignorant sponge. Linda Moulton Howe, Jeremy Corbell, Richard Doty, Steven Greer, Bob Lazar, Nick Pope, and many, many others, all peddling their own individual brands of lies, nonsense, and misleading content, all presented in a manner that frames them as legitimate investigative researchers, c

A Pebble in the Shoe of the UFO Subculture.

Greetings. During the course of interacting with the public, or while discussing the UFO topic at length, comments can be made that are completely out of bounds and uncalled for. It is a rare occurrence, but sadly, it does happen. On the 18th of September, I had to make the unfortunate decision to remove someone from my blog platform on Facebook. The reason for the decision? A comment was made that was directed at my wife. A comment that should never have been made. A comment that had nothing to do with the conversation going on at the time. I took a screenshot of the offending comment, in case I have to use it at some point in the future, but the offending person, Mr. Wil Wakely, who is associated with the San Diego chapter of MUFON, was removed from my blog platform on Facebook. I ended up writing up a short post about the removal of Mr. Wakely, and it reads as follows:  "Greetings. I encourage all my readers to contribute to the discussions about the various blogs that are post

Unreliable Sources.

Greetings. UFO themed programming is quite popular nowadays, and has been so since the debut of "The X-Files" back in the early 1990's.  Some of these programs are scripted, while others are presented in more of a documentary style. "The X-Files" was obviously scripted, as were all the various "Star Trek" series. Those shows were well written and produced, making for quality viewing for the public to enjoy. Nowadays, shows like "Ancient Aliens" dominate the situation, and are presented as documentaries, albeit in shorter, episode driven formats. A question comes to mind, a question which is rarely, if ever asked. Has the general public, and my extension, the UFO subculture built it's belief structures on what they are watching on television? I am afraid that the answer to that question is a disconcerting yes. Over the years, I have had the honor and pleasure of interacting with many people who have a vested interest in UFOs. On a few occa

Where is the Evidence??

Greetings. The search for tangible evidence for alien visitation goes on, and on, and on. Unfortunately, not much evidence has turned up, just a massive cache of witness testimonials, some of which are of a high quality and first-hand in nature.  Now I must make my own position known on the question before proceeding. I feel that alien visitation has indeed occurred, although only on a few rare occasions. However, my own position is not the focus of this writing, an honest assessment of the available evidence is. After decades of searching, and decades of research, what have investigators found, beyond the anecdotal? Not much, not much at all to be perfectly honest.  We have taken and chronicled some radiation measurements that have confirmed the reality of some reported events; the Rendlesham Forest events in Great Britain from late December of 1980 come to mind. We have taken photographs of soil indentations that suggest some direct interaction with artificially constructed technolog

Facebook's Censorship Efforts.

Greetings. Social media, specifically Facebook, used to be a place where people could share ideas, content, and opinions. Times have changed.  In recent years, Facebook has begun to police what is being shared on the platform. Whilst the effort to keep an eye on potential fake news, disinformation, and misinformation is commendable, it can be a slippery slope. Such an effort, when applied too energetically, can infringe on personal freedoms, freedom of speech in this case. It becomes more about censorship to be perfectly honest, which is akin to living in North Korea or the old Soviet Union. In addition, it is not really clear who or what is making the decisions on what is or is not acceptable in Facebook's opinion. Facebook was once a place where people could share content to the various groups contained within the platform, but now that is being controlled. Not just the quality, but the quantity. My wife, Venus Renee Pullin, who is the President of the San Antonio Aerial Phenomen