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Liars, Frauds, and Misrepresenters.

Greetings. I am occasionally asked why I write about so many of the troubling issues within the UFO subculture. One reason, actually two. One, because the troubling issues exist, and I cannot in good conscience simply ignore them. Two, I am passionate about the UFO question, and I care deeply about the integrity of the entire UFO subculture, even though I am not an active participant in the movement. 

There are many outstanding people involved in UFO research, individuals with integrity, an unshakable commitment to the work, and a high level of professionalism. They consistently grind the research stone in the never-ending effort to solve, or at the very least, learn about the UFO problem and it's innumerable questions. I cannot offer enough kind words of support and encouragement to those people, they are all deserving of our accolades, for they conduct their workmanlike efforts behind the scenes, without attention, out of the limelight, and beyond the prying eyes of the UFO subculture. 

The other side of the UFO coin is completely different, with a thriving population of people who have lied about their credentials, misrepresented their work record, or have misled the public by spreading fake news, disinformation, and misinformation like there's no tomorrow. The image attached to this particular blog posting places two such people on full display, Richard Doty and Nick Pope. Mr. Doty's record of activity is well-known in UFO circles, and I will not elaborate further on his lies, but Mr. Pope is a relatively new player to the "Game of Frauds." Mr. Pope has misrepresented his work record and responsibilities with the United Kingdom's Ministry of Defence, and that places his personal and professional integrity firmly in question. Despite this, Mr. Pope is still a popular personality in the UFO subculture, consistently participating in "Ancient Aliens" tours and appearing at seemingly every UFO event under the sun.

Does any of this matter? It certainly should, but it doesn't seem to matter to many people, for if it did, Mr. Pope would not be as popular a figure as he is. People seem to be able to overlook when someone lies or misrepresents themselves, or their work credentials or experience. I haven't the foggiest idea why, but the situation is unfortunate and troubling. 

Thank you for your time and consideration.


  1. I have tried for years to show Nick Pope's phoney CV. The official MoD documents that prove this are there for all to see.

    1. People will simply not believe the truth about Mr. Pope. Embarrassing.

  2. Hopefully this will eventually catch up with these charlatans/grifters. Those they work with need to start asking questions

    1. Absolutely! We can only hope things change for the better. Time will tell.....

  3. Yes – he had a desk job at the Ministry of Defence in London – dealing with press enquiries to be precise – but his job description over time, particularly on TV programmes, has grown over time to imply that he was investigating UFO reports or even running the UK's UFO programme. Not true ... but no one seems to listen.

    1. Unfortunately, you are correct Sir. People will keep believing his lies, despite the evidence.

  4. Greetings from Brazil! I did some research on the professional activities of Mr. Pope in the British MoD and collected some documents about it. I am 100% sure that he was just something like a clerk, forwarding papers and documentos to some departments, and NEVER did any UFO investigation for the MoD! Not even one!

    1. Greetings Sir! Your research efforts have confirmed the findings of Philip Mantle and Kevin Randle. I agree with your assessment. Thank you so much for your contribution to the discussion.

  5. Nick Poop was a clerk and nothing more.

  6. He did desk work from 1991 to 1994. Now his fake resume says he was there for a ridiculous made up time period of 1986 to 2003. It changes from show to show, and magically grows longer. When speaking to him, he is clueless about most cases and only functions in front of a teleprompter on tv, where he will read anything on it, kinda like Ron Burgandy.


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