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Permian Age Civilization? A Loeb Theory and its Holes.

Greetings. The scientific method is the investigative approach that all scientists are supposed to strictly adhere to. The method's strict standards are to be maintained throughout the investigative process, with all resulting hypothesis being open to continuous scrutiny by all parties, involved and otherwise. 

Mr. Avi Loeb, in an article recently published on the online news platform "The Debrief" has offered an interesting theory to explain the UFO problem. Mr. Loeb, a Professor of Science at Harvard University who works in the fields of cosmology and astrophysics, offered a hypothesis that posits that the extinction event known as The Great Dying, which took place approximately 251.9 million years ago at the boundary between the Permian and Triassic Periods, was caused by global warming due to the existence of an unknown advanced civilization on Earth. The link to the article in question is at

As the scientific method demands, some questions are necessary, some questions that may shine some light on the subject matter at hand. 

1. If unnatural global warming was occurring during the time period in question, those same artificially released greenhouse gases would have shown up in sedimentary rocks laid down at the time, but no evidence of that has turned up, only evidence of the carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide released by the Siberian Traps volcanic explosions which mark the time period in question. 

2. If an unknown advanced civilization was in existence during the Permian Period, where is the evidence for it? The fauna of the time was just becoming highly advanced, and was certainly not capable of any level of technological achievement. The landmasses of the planet were dominated by early reptilian forms, some of which would evolve into dinosaurs and mammals during the following Mesozoic Era. Synapsids and therapsids were the two most successful groups, with the iconic Dimetrodon, a predatory sail-backed synapsid being the most well-known example. No fossilized remains have been discovered to support the existence of such advanced creatures, and the fossil record does not suggest such an evolutionary path. No sentient, intelligent, technologically advanced creatures existed during the Permian, with such life forms only arriving on the scene about 249 million years after the extinction event. 

3. Mr. Loeb posits that UFOs, or UAPs if you prefer, are technological relics from that long lost civilization, relics left in outer space. No evidence of such prehistoric technologies has been observed, and even beyond that, some additional questions should be asked. Since the 1930's, witnesses have consistently described unidentified flying objects maneuvering in the skies above our collective heads, which strongly suggests a level of operational capabilities far beyond our current terrestrial abilities. Is it defensible to believe that prehistoric relics from 251.9 million years ago would still be operational? If those same relics are indeed operational, how are they being manipulated? By whom? 

Mr. Loeb's theory, while interesting, is completely void of any supporting evidence, which is what the scientific method demands. In my humble opinion, the probability that an advanced civilization existed on Earth during the Permian Period is exactly zero.

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


  1. For over a decade, Dr. Avi Loeb has tried to win over the scientific community and the public with his claims that space aliens are real. Dr. Avi Loeb started serving as the chair of Harvard’s Department of Astronomy in 2011. In 2013, I initiated an independent feasibility study related to Existential Intelligence. My study was done in conjunction with Harvard’s Project Zero and Dr. Howard Gardner. During those years, I was impressed by the knowledge, skills, and professional attitudes of the people I worked with at Harvard University.

    In 2017, an object called ‘Oumuamua was observed by Dr. Avi Loeb. In July 2018, Avi was appointed chair of the Board on Physics and Astronomy of the National Academies. In addition, in 2018, Avi Loeb proposed that alien spacecraft may be in our Solar System. On October 26, 2018, Loeb and his postdoctoral student submitted a paper exploring the possibility of the interstellar object, ʻOumuamua, being an artificial solar sail accelerated by radiation from our Sun. Other established scientists claimed that the available evidence was insufficient to consider such a premise.

    For almost four years, Harvard’s Avi Loeb appeared all over the media. Avi was gathering public support for an idea that lacked scientific evidence. Shortly after the ODNI UFO report was released in 2021, The Galileo Project was launched by Avi Loeb. Research into the UFO/UAP phenomenon has often been criticized for little or low-quality data.

    In 2021, I was recruited as a volunteer to conduct vital tasks for The Galileo Project. I collaborated with at least three (3) members of The Galileo Project's Research Team. As a volunteer, I started out by helping train an AI computer (running powerful AI software) to identify genuine UAP. I was not required to sign an NDA.

    Prior to joining TGP, I read the “ground rules” that TGP made public. The Galileo Project Ground Rules stated: “To protect the quality of its scientific research, the Galileo Research Team will not publicize the details of its internal discussions or share the specifications of its experimental hardware or software before the work is finalized. The data or its analysis will be released only through traditional, scientifically accepted, channels of publication.” I agreed to follow the guidelines.

    Thus, it seemed as if an effort was underway to use machine learning to train a powerful computer to detect valid UAP videos and photos while rejecting fakes or images that mistakenly captured conventional aircraft. Training this system required valid, authenticated UAP videos and photos. The task of selecting appropriate photos was my job.

    In 2023, Dr. Avi Loeb claimed to have recovered material from an interstellar meteor. Avi claims that this UAP could be an Alien starship. Avi’s Alien starship assertions were criticized by experts as hasty and sensational. It seems as if Avi Loeb has abandoned science in order to embrace popularity. Perhaps Avi Loeb has displaced his love for science with a lust for fame?

    During 2023, Avi Loeb carried out an expedition to Papua New Guinea (PNG). On July 9, 2023, it was publicly reported that:
    “Harvard professor Avi Loeb believes he's found fragments of alien technology.” Dr. Loeb’s claims about the PNG meteor have been met with skepticism by other scientists. Those scientists think Avi’s evidence is not strong enough. Moreover, others have accused him of sensationalism. Too, several of his colleagues have refused to peer review Dr. Loeb’s work.

    On July 11, 2023, it was publicly reported: "Alien Hunter of Harvard accused of stealing space debris he claims could be UFO.” Several years may pass before the public finds out what Harvard's Avi Loeb really found in the waters of Papua New Guinea. . . Dr. Bob Wenzel Gross. . . .

    1. Sincerest thanks for your comment Sir, your perspective is greatly appreciated.


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