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My Friend and His Fight.

Greetings. My friend Kevin Douglas Randle. 

Life is not fair. Truer words have never been spoken.

Some sad and unfortunate news has come to light. My friend Kevin Randle has been diagnosed with cancer. The news appeared on his blog platform with the link available at

To quote my friend Nick Roesler, "Kevin is one of the good guys." Absolutely! I have had the honor and privilege of calling Kevin a friend for many years, and I have always been awed by his dedication to the work, and by his ability to maintain his personal and professional integrity all along the way. His dispassionate approach to UFO research is something to behold, and is an investigative standard that all younger generations of researchers would do well to emulate and embrace.

I could write about all my personal experiences with Kevin, but this blog posting is not about yours truly. Needless to say, Kevin has earned the respect of the entire UFO subculture, regardless whether one agrees or disagrees with Kevin's thoughts, opinions, and conclusions. His decades of research work, whether in the field conducting investigations, or in archives and libraries, speaks volumes about his curiosity and intelligence. Best known for his work with Donald R. Schmitt on the Roswell, New Mexico case from July of 1947, Kevin has examined multiple events in modern UFO history, including the Aurora, Texas hoax from April of 1897, the Socorro, New Mexico landing case from April of 1964, the UFO wave of 1973, and the Washington Nationals case from the summer of 1952, among many, many others. His literary output is simply monumental, and that is not taking into account his blogspot "A Different Perspective." 

The UFO subculture has lost some immensely important people over the years; Coral and Jim Lorenzen, Dr. James E. McDonald, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, and the recently passed Stanton T. Friedman. Such outstanding people are sorely needed in today's environment, but unfortunately, time is a cruel and indefatigable opponent, never defeated, always at play. My friend Larry Holcombe passed away just this past summer, and his loss is still being felt by the UFO research community. Larry's passing has affected me in ways I was not even aware of until recently, and it has left me grumpy and reinvested. I wish he was still here with us. I miss him dearly. 

The news of Kevin's condition is upsetting. On a professional level, we need Kevin's focus, his skepticism, and his common sense approach to exploring the UFO problem. On a personal level, I am very worried about my friend, for he deserves the much, much better, not the hand he has been dealt. I strongly encourage all my readers to keep Kevin in your thoughts. I know Kevin would appreciate your support and warm wishes. 

Thank you for your time.


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