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My Subjective Thoughts on Roswell.

Greetings. Roswell. The word brings to mind the possibility of first contact. 

Perhaps the most iconic and important historical UFO case on the books, the Roswell case from July 1947 is still controversial to this very day. The story of the recovery of an unidentified flying object, and the U.S. government's subsequent cover-up of the event is the stuff of legend. The names are well-known; Roger Ramey, Mac Brazel, Jesse Marcel, Walter Haut, Glenn Dennis, Frank Kaufmann, Sheridan Cavitt, William Blanchard. The specifics of the story are also well-known, so I won't rehash them here, but I will make my own subjective opinions known.

The possibility of an unidentified flying object crashing into the New Mexico desert is not beyond the realm of reasonable possibility. It's discovery may have occurred quite a number of days after it first came to rest on the Foster Ranch, again a reasonable possibility since the area in question is vast and free of landmarks or other points of reference. The reaction of the U.S. military speaks volumes, and strongly suggests that they were caught with their collective pants down, so to speak. If alleged events like Cape Girardeau had actually happened, the U.S. military's reaction to the events northwest of Roswell would have been completely different, but that was not the case. The fact that the recovered material, whatever it was, was sent to Wright Field in Dayton, Ohio, supports the idea that whatever came to Earth was something out of the ordinary, perhaps, just perhaps, something extraordinary or even extraterrestrial. 

The cover-up that ensued has withstood the test of time, with UFO researchers being unable to find physical evidence of the event. Despite this, thanks to the determined efforts of Tom Carey, Kevin Randle, Don Schmitt, and the late Stanton Friedman, among others, quality first-hand accounts and testimonials have come to light, with most, but not all, having endured investigative scrutiny. To be sure, there is a lack of documentation for the event, which is troubling, but that's what we are living with at this point. Additionally, the claims of Glenn Dennis, Frank Kaufmann and Sheridan Cavitt have been proven to be untrue, misleading at the very least. All these points should be taken into consideration, with all the available information allowing for an informed point of view. 

The importance of the Roswell case has not lessened, despite the passing of many decades since the event took place. The town of Roswell has embraced the event, which has resulted in quite a bit of productive capitalism, and since the 1990's, The International UFO Museum and Research Center has provided an outstanding location and vast resources for an exploration and/or examination of the enigma of unidentified flying objects. The annual Roswell UFO Festival attracts huge crowds to the town, with most simply looking for a good time, while others arrive searching for information on the Roswell event, and by extension, the UFO phenomenon. I have made the journey to Roswell more times than I can count, all for research purposes, all well worth the effort.

My own thoughts on the Roswell event? I strongly feel that what crashed northwest of Roswell in 1947 was an alien spacecraft, likely with a crew of occupants. It makes logical sense to me that the recovered material was sent to Wright Field, so as to be examined and perhaps, reverse engineered, although I don't think our species is technologically capable of achieving such a lofty goal. Can I prove it? Absolutely not. We don't have anything physical to examine. Nothing. 

Back in 2018, while in Roswell for the UFO Festival, I had the pleasure of having dinner with my friend Don Schmitt. During the course of our conversations, Don stated that the U.S. government's cover-up is a cover-up of ignorance. I tend to agree.

Roswell. Will we ever know the answers? I haven't the foggiest idea. 

Thank you for your time and indulgence. 


  1. So wait, you think there was a cover up, yet in a later post you defend Kirkpatrick for not finding cover ups and believe him?

    1. Yes Mr. Anonymous. The events in Roswell were covered up, which seems logical for the time, with the Cold War becoming a grim reality. As far as an overall cover-up of the UFO phenomenon, Dr. Kirkpatrick found no evidence of such an effort. I have no idea if the Roswell event's cover-up has continued to the present day, it may have or not, but I have no information which would allow for a declaration. Others claim to know, but they have not provided evidence, so we are left with only opinions.

    2. Either there is a cover up, or there isn't. Which one is it?

      If you think Roswell was a cover up for an alien craft, naturally it has to have been continued to this day succesfully, since we are not aware in the public. The craft would also be somewhere.

      You can't both have your cake and eat it.

    3. Thank you for your response Mr. Anonymous. Each historical case stands on its own merit, and should be taken as such. A cover-up of the Roswell event is supported by the available information, an overall cover-up of the entire UFO phenomenon is a separate possibility and should be taken as such, demanding evidence to support such a possibility. Unfortunately, with no physical evidence having been recovered, nobody knows the answers to the Roswell event, or any other historical case. If you have tangible, physical, falsifiable proof or evidence, please share it.


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