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Vehicle of Unknown Origin??

Greetings. Jeremy Corbell. David Charles Grusch. George Knapp. The names are well-known to members of the UFO subculture, laypeople and researchers alike. The three gentlemen have taken all the air out of the UFO room, with the UFO subculture seemingly hanging on each and every word that manages to find it's way out of their overly active mouthpieces. 

Early this morning, Mr. Corbell released an image that has been making the rounds on social media. I myself shared the image in a blog posting on my Facebook platform. The link to that blog posting is available at

Mr. Corbell stated on his posting, and I quote "This is a military filmed UAP that was fired upon by a UK fighter jet with a missile. Despite initially being reported by mainstream media as a “hostile drone”, this vehicle of unknown origin has been officially designated by the United States, UK and allied intelligence agencies as a UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena). This designation is currently maintained.

DATE / TIME - 14 December 2021

LOCATION - This image was taken above Syria.

IMAGING TYPE - Thermographic / Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR).


In a joint operation, a Royal Air Force Typhoon fighter jet engaged an unidentified aerial vehicle using an Advanced Short Range Air to Air Missile (ASRAAM). Initial media reports labeled the unidentified as a “hostile drone” - however - internal intelligence products officially classify the aerial vehicle of unknown origin as a UAP - and maintain this designation. The UAP was not recovered.


• For the past 15 years in CENTCOM has tracked Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP).

• No actors claimed ownership of these UAP.

• All jamming directed at UAP were assessed unsuccessful.

• Due to observation of other nations firing on the same or similar UAP, it is deduced that they are not the operators of these vehicles of unknown origin.

• Due to an abundance of sightings, some Base Defense Operations Centers (BDOCs) no longer report UAP, making the tracking or characterization of these events difficult.

• Primary qualifications for engaging an unidentified target are (a) proximity to ground troops (b) if the target appears to have - or is able to hold - a payload."

I wrote up my blog posting on Facebook this morning soon after Mr. Corbell released the image. In my haste, I overlooked one statement that has stood out ever since this morning's release: "Vehicle of unknown origin." How was that determination made? Who made that determination? Mr. Corbell stated that the image shows a "UAP," which is defined by the powers that be as an unidentified aerial phenomenon. Unidentified means just that, unidentified, so labeling the unknown a known commodity, a vehicle in this particular case, is simply indefensible, unsupportable, and a completely improper usage of the acronym.

I am guilty of nitpicking, but details are important. Vitally important. 

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


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