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Are Unsubstantiated Claims and Stories Good Enough?

Greetings. Why is anecdotal information taken as evidence? Why does alleged physical evidence never seem to see the light of day? Why is the UFO subculture so uncomfortable being asked valid questions? Recent comments I came across on Facebook have motivated this particular blog posting. Off we go....

The following quote is a comment I received on a post I made on my Facebook platform a few days ago. The initial quote of "I've never seen a shred of UFO evidence" is not correct, for I actually stated "There is no evidence that has been proven to be, after scientific examination, non-terrestrial in nature and artificial in form." Nevertheless, the comment reads as follows:

“I’ve never seen a shred of UFO evidence.”...Then you aren’t even looking! 

There is an embarrassment of physical evidence and always has been. Here’s a tiny, tiny list: 

1) Unidentifiable alloys in Bigelows warehouse 

1.5) Whole autos with monopole magnetic alignment after proximity to craft

2) Fluorescing ink on experiencers hands 

3) Hand prints on experiencers arms

3) Dr. Liers’ extracted tracking nodules that emit higher than possible electromagnetic energy

4) 4 inch Scoot marks healed overnight

5) Medical records of pregnancies that have been removed overnight through no known procedure (from known abductees)

6) Landing tracks galore

7) metallic skid marks high on a cliff at the Aztec UFO crash site

8 ) Corroborated testimony decades apart from different countries on observed a) uniforms b) ship configurations c) instruments used in exams d) ship power sources e) ET physical descriptions (over 153 now known) 

9) Radar recordings (civ. and mil)

10) pilot radar recordings

11) Ancient Native American folklore that describes ET’s the same as modern accounts

12) Polaroids that have been proven authentic

13) Testimony from every Apollo astronaut

So much more..."

Are any of these alleged examples valid? Polaroids proven authentic does not necessarily mean they show alien spacecraft. The skid marks at the Aztec crash site? Putting aside the fact that the Aztec case has been proven a hoax by multiple independent researchers, legitimate investigators take photographs of the areas they are investigating. Where are the photographs of these alleged skid marks? Landing tracks galore? Landing traces simply confirm that an event took place, as in the Socorro, New Mexico landing event of April 24th of 1964, but those same landing impressions don't explain what produced them in the first place. Unidentifiable alloys in Bigelow's warehouse? How does this person know what Robert Bigelow has in his warehouse other than what Mr. Bigelow has claimed? Where are the medical records of these alleged surgeries? More talk, more claims, but where the hell is the frigging proof? Where is the physical evidence? Put up or shut up!

Sometimes comments like the following are offered up, interesting, but still accepting of anecdotal information, claims and stories void of physical proof. The comment, made by Chad Laibly, reads as follows:

"Geez, John, have you ever sat down and listened to this guy? Someone’ comes out and says they’ve been threatened, they’ve had their retirement threatened they’ve been intimidated….They sacrificed so much and you can only continue to sow doubt.

Tens of thousands of witnesses, more than a few people stating they’ve worked on the UFO craft and bodies..that cat is out of the bag at this point. 

You need to be asking the important questions now like where are they stored? Who is keeping them secret, what are we doing to remove their control? How can we get this technology out to the masses?

Just rehashing the same old tired, bored kepticism is useless at this point, and no longer necessary. Is Disclosure is way past the point of healthy skepticism"

I have not the foggiest idea who 'John' is, perhaps the gentleman who wrote the comment spells 'William' in a distinctly different manner, or he can't spell at all. I won't speculate on his writing capabilities, but I will comment on his statements. Skepticism is essential to any investigative undertaking. It makes absolutely no logical sense to just blindly embrace the claims made by anyone, no matter how many people make the same claim. The claims that some people have made concerning their working on UFO craft and bodies are still just stories, unsubstantiated due to a lack of corroborating evidence to support them. The other questions the gentleman asked assume that all the anecdotal information is valid, and that all the stories floating around the UFO subculture are true. I never make that sloppy assumption. 

Call me cynical, call me skeptical, but I need more than just stories and unsubstantiated claims, I need proof, I need physical evidence. Asking for such content is not unreasonable, but it seems that some in the UFO subculture feel it is.

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


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