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Showing posts from January, 2024

The Objective Truth Hurts.

Greetings. The UFO subculture does not like statements that are supported by valid evidence, nor does it like objective and scientific analysis of data. The UFO subculture wants confirmation. Period.  Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, the retired head of AARO (All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office) is a highly educated, credentialed, and accomplished public servant who served the United States with honor, integrity, and distinction. Dr. Kirkpatrick is just the kind of person to bring into the effort to consider, examine, and investigate the UFO problem. A "short" summary of Dr. Kirkpatrick's exemplary career in public service is available below: Dr. Kirkpatrick recently made some statements about the UFO situation that deserve some commentary and candid consideration. A couple of quotes from his appearance on the "In the Room" with host Peter Bergen, available at , are as follows

The Chaff has Ascended to the Throne.

Greetings. The UFO subculture has new kings, whether they like it or not.  Unfortunately, the new kings of the UFO kingdom don't provide specific details, nor do they provide any valid documentation to support their claims. They do however, resort to name calling and less than professional commentary about people who are not enamored with what they have to offer, and what they don't provide to their subjects. In addition, the new rulers are not open and completely transparent about the information they provide and the sources they allegedly have contact with. Who am I referring to? I am writing about King Jeremy Corbell and his sidekick King George Knapp, the "royalty" of the UFO subculture.  The historical leadership of the UFO subculture can lay claim to some outstanding names, all doggedly committed researchers of the UFO problem. Back in the 1960's Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Dr. James E. McDonald, and the Lorenzens, Coral and Jim, collectively led the UFO field. In t

Mr. Hopkins, Where is the Evidence?

Greetings. The abduction enigma. For many people, the term abduction brings to mind a eerily familiar set of events, with the details well-known to the UFO subculture, and of note, to the general public.  "Everything I have learned in twenty years of research into the UFO abduction phenomenon leads me to conclude that the aliens' central purpose is not to teach us about taking better care of the environment. Instead, all of the evidence points to their being here to carry out a complex breeding experiment in which they seem to be working to create a hybrid species, a mix of human and alien characteristics. A careful reading of the various witnesses' accounts suggests that here, as in many earlier cases, reproductive issues appear far more frequently than alien ecological concerns." The above quote is from Budd Hopkins' 1996 book entitled "Witnessed: The True Story of the Brooklyn Bridge UFO Abductions." Elliot Budd Hopkins (1931-2011) was an author, arti

Unconfirmed Flying Stories.

Greetings. The onus is on the claimant to provide proof to validate their claims. That is the way it works, unless you are a member of the UFO subculture. According to UFO people, the onus is on the researcher to disprove the validity of a person's story.  The history of the UFO phenomenon makes for a fascinating examination, with multiple nooks and crannies which lead to lesser-known cases, interesting people, and overlooked situations. One aspect of the genre's long and storied history becomes readily apparent after only a short time: unconfirmed and unsubstantiated claims are made all the time, and no proof ever surfaces to validate them, yet such stories are believed. It has always been this way, and it always will. The late Leonard H. Stringfield (1920-1994) forged a long career of UFO investigations, self-publishing a series of "Status Reports" that focused on alleged crash retrievals. Mr. Stringfield served as a public relations advisor for the National Investi

Is Ufology a Sinking Ship?

Greetings. The "field" known as ufology has changed quite a bit since the days of Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Richard Hall, Coral Lorenzen, and Dr. James E. McDonald. Let's explore the situation.... Back in the heady days of Project Blue Book, the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, and the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, the field of ufology seemed to be far more focused on collecting sighting reports, and conducting field investigations. The idea of promoting one's self was not at the forefront of anyone's mind, as far as I can deduce, so the actual investigations into the enigma of unidentified flying objects were the sole motivation for most, if not all.  Now there were authors that had written volumes about the UFO topic, some dogged researchers numbered among them. Coral and Jim Lorenzen wrote several books on the topic, many being classic pieces of UFO literature, including the iconic "Flying Saucer Occupants.' Edward J. Ruppelt,

Random Chance from Above.

Greetings. There have been several major extinction events during the long history of the Earth. Asteroid impacts have been the primary cause of at least one, the Cretaceous/Paleogene extinction event, which took place 66.043 million years ago.  The situation is likely a universal one, with life forms across the galaxy(ies) at the mercy of random occurrences, impact events which are devastating to natural habitats and environments. Here on the Earth, life forms have arisen and gone extinct, some due to gradual environmental processes, many due to catastrophic extinction events, which end up challenging the planet's ecosystems and their ability to recover from the brink. The human species is no different, for we are involved in that very same play. We often think of our species as the summit of the planet's evolutionary processes, the rulers of the Earth. However, our mere presence has absolutely nothing to do with the grey matter contained within our skulls, it has everything t

Deserving of Legitimacy, not the Norm.

Greetings. I take great pains to maintain a certain level of objectivity, but I often fail, which is to be expected since I am just a bipedal mammal, subjective and prone to error. This particular blog posting is purely an opinion piece, by definition, subjective. Witnesses. Are they getting the respect and consideration that they deserve? In two words, hell no. The UFO subculture is chock full of nonsensical content, much of it shamelessly promoted in the effort to make a buck or two, gain some notoriety, or to advance stature within the confines of the UFO entertainment industry.  Does this promotional activity help people who have experienced anomalous, unexplained activity? No. Does this sensationalism help people overcome their emotional trauma? No. Does this entire situation help people get some closure and answers so that they can move forward in their personal lives? No. The selling and promotion of merchandise and memberships has nothing to do with legitimate investigative wor

The Importance of Free Inquiry.

Greetings. Free inquiry. Why is the asking of questions viewed in such a negative light in today's society? The journey of discovery and the search for knowledge both involve one vitally important step; the asking of questions. We are incredibly ignorant about the universe we reside in, and it is only logical to approach unanswered questions with an open, yet skeptical mind. Having that established, the process of learning and arriving at answers to the questions at hand, regardless of topic, involves making inquiries. There is no such thing as a stupid question, for the admission of ignorance takes some internal fortitude, and places the insatiable curiosity of that same person on full display. Such people are deserving of our accolades and encouragement. What are our questions searching for? Answers, details, and valid information. Specifics. Unfortunately, such information is not always provided. Often times, posts are made on the Internet and social media that make claims, but

Platform for a Liar.

Greetings. Nick Pope. The gentleman's name is polarizing within the confines of the UFO subculture, with many holding him in high regard, with others vilifying him and his rhetoric.  Thanks to the insightful work of several archival researchers, Mr. Pope has been shown to be a fraud, guilty of misrepresenting his work record with Great Britain's Ministry of Defence. The best that can be said is that Mr. Pope embellished his accomplishments and responsibilities while serving the Ministry of Defence. That much is certain. What is not certain, or should I say, is most troubing, is the fact that Mr. Pope is continually given the opportunity to appear on different broadcast platforms to spread more of his untruths. In my humble opinion, many podcasters are only interested in gaining viewership and garnering attention to assist in the promotion of their shows. The situation is damaging to the effort to find accurate information on the UFO problem, with lies and misinformation given e

The Dolan Debasement Continues.

Greetings. Fame and fortune. The three words are self-explanatory, and are in need of no elaboration.  Richard Dolan, a well-known figure in the UFO subculture, has recently completed a change of approach. His early work in the UFO research community was highly respected, deservedly so, but that has completely changed. Nowadays, Mr. Dolan has become a card-carrying member of the UFO entertainment industry, plain and simple. I was actually done writing about Mr. Dolan, after having written two earlier pieces about his graduation to the world of celebrity, however, I happened to come across an advertisement (of course) for the show that Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp co-host. The ad featured the next upcoming guest, one Mr. Richard Dolan. I felt additional writing was in order. Mr. Corbell and Mr. Knapp are leaders of the UFO entertainment industry, with their notoriety firmly established, and their professional integrity lost, never to be seen again. Evidently Mr. Dolan has made the de

An Unlikely, but Fascinating Possibility.

Greetings. Lake monsters. Sea serpents. The tales and legends are, dare I say it, legendary. Let's take a look at some scientific issues that are at play, which don't necessarily eliminate the admittedly remote possibility.  The Loch Ness Monster, or Nessie, is the most well-known example of an alleged lake monster, with the legend going back to at least the sixth century, with the alleged encounter of an Irish monk by the name of Saint Colomba. The story goes that he had heard about the monster, and sent a companion to test out the nearby River Ness, where the monster had been sighted. When he saw the monster with his own eyes, he banished the creature to Loch Ness, and off we go. August of 1933 saw the first modern story, which described a sighting in Loch Ness by a water bailiff, a story which was carried in the Inverness Courier.  As the decades have passed, reports of the creature have continued unabated, but without a trace of physical evidence that would validate the cla

Where is the Verifiable Proof?

Greetings. The effort to investigate unknown, unidentified, unanswered questions and possibilities requires one thing in particular. Proof. Verifiable proof, not anecdotal stories, not physical evidence which does not lead to any specific explanations.  The are a multitude of questions about the universe we reside in that have remained unanswered, still so in 2024. The list is long and impressive, from the question of dark matter in the universe, to the reason why the planet Uranus rotates on its side, to whether or not extraterrestrial life exists on the moons of Jupiter, Saturn, or Neptune. All fascinating questions, which will likely be explained at some point in the future as our scientific knowledge increases. That is how unknowns become identified. That is how questions are ultimately answered. Knowledge, evidence, and proof.  Now before moving further into unknown territory, one question should be asked: Does the burden of proof always apply, regardless of the question, or quest

Nothing of Substance, or Consequence.

Greetings. Where is the UFO subculture heading? If the prevalence of nonsense and unabashed self-promotion is any indication, it has arrived at a place where business and entertainment rules the day. With a good bit of childish and amateurish behavior thrown in for good measure.  We have Mr. Dave Scott, pictured above at center, who shamelessly promotes fake news, disinformation, and misinformation on his show "Spaced Out Radio." Any examination of geopolitical history demonstrates how damaging false content can be to legitimate elections and government entities. Lies and misinformation can lead people astray, which makes ill-advised decisions and courses of action more and more commonplace, adding more damaging fuel to the fire. We see this situation in the United States today, with both political parties conducting themselves in such a way as to mislead the voting public, all in the name of winning the next election, therefore placing democracy in some jeopardy. As it perta

A Monumental Acquisition.

Greetings. The National UFO Historical Records Center, available at , possesses the most comprehensive collection of information on the UFO problem on the planet. Period.  Headed by Executive Director David Marler, a highly accomplished author, archivist, researcher, and investigator of the UFO phenomenon, NUFOHRC is a highly professional organization dedicated to the effort to coalesce and digitize historical information on UFOs, and to make it available to the public free of any financial contributions or memberships. The mission statement of the organization places their professional focus on full display for the entire UFO subculture to see. They are certainly deserving of our full support and encouragement.  This past year, on the 28th of November, the organization made a truly historic announcement, one that will influence the direction of the entire UFO research community's efforts for the foreseeable future. It was announced that the historical files of

The Woo Train to Excrementville.

Greetings. The 'woo.' One of the most damaging aspects of the UFO subculture, and by extension, the entire paranormal arena. Woo is a slang term for pseudoscientific explanations that are often too good to be true. The term is common among skeptics and some debunkers, people who adhere to the scientific method and push away from nonsensical and pseudoscientific approaches. The woo is a tool used to entertain the masses, and to discourage people from conducting research into the subject matter in question to find more likely and defensible explanations.  The woo has several characteristics that hold the vast majority of the time. Some are as follows: 1. Anecdotal Information: Testimonials from alleged witnesses are often blindly accepted as valid, and placed on the same level as tangible, physical evidence. The scientific research community views anecdotal information as the weakest and least reliable form of evidence.  2. Pseudoscience: The woo is often framed in a scientific m

The Slippery Vicissitude.

Greetings. The filmmaker James Fox has transformed, or should I say, is in the midst of a professional transition.  Once a filmmaker who stayed far away from the sensationalized chaos that is the entertainment wing of the UFO subculture, Mr. Fox has become more and more a part of that less than desirable wing of the UFO world. In my humble opinion, Mr. Fox's earlier works, 2000's "Out of the Blue" and 2009's "I Know What I Saw," are both seminal pieces, being accurate, informative and highly thoughtful. Both films challenged the UFO subculture to think outside the box, and to consider the possibilities of alien visitation and its potential ramifications. Such measured films about the UFO topic have historically been few and far between, with the usual fare being far less accurate and far more in the corner of the dreaded 'woo.' Nowadays Mr. Fox has become a fixture in the UFO entertainment industry, making appearances at UFO events, on podcasts a