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Nothing of Substance, or Consequence.

Greetings. Where is the UFO subculture heading? If the prevalence of nonsense and unabashed self-promotion is any indication, it has arrived at a place where business and entertainment rules the day. With a good bit of childish and amateurish behavior thrown in for good measure. 

We have Mr. Dave Scott, pictured above at center, who shamelessly promotes fake news, disinformation, and misinformation on his show "Spaced Out Radio." Any examination of geopolitical history demonstrates how damaging false content can be to legitimate elections and government entities. Lies and misinformation can lead people astray, which makes ill-advised decisions and courses of action more and more commonplace, adding more damaging fuel to the fire. We see this situation in the United States today, with both political parties conducting themselves in such a way as to mislead the voting public, all in the name of winning the next election, therefore placing democracy in some jeopardy. As it pertains to the UFO problem, the UFO subculture is often led astray by shows, celebrities, and personalities that embrace falsehoods, all in the name of making a buck, or gathering followers, or garnering ratings or listeners. Sounds familiar doesn't it? These people should run for office, for they are already versed in the ways of politics.

Dave Scott does it. MUFON does it. Lorien Fenton does it. Ryan Sprague does it. Christina Gomez does it. Jimmy Church, pictured above with Richard Doty, does it. When these broadcasters give confirmed liars and frauds a platform to further spread their excrement, for all intents and purposes, they are becoming misinformation agents themselves. The lure of celebrity is strong indeed.

We have UFO enthusiasts like Ms. Nicole Sakach, pictured above here with Mr. Richard Doty, one of the most infamous figures in UFO history. Evidently she is completely ignorant of the actions of Mr. Doty and his penchant for lying and providing disinformation and misinformation to anyone who is willing to be misled, which is odd considering that Ms. Sakach refers to herself as a, and I quote: "Researcher of High Strangeness Phenomenon and UFOs." I can only assume that Ms. Sakach did not bother to examine the historical events surrounding the Bennewitz affair and Mr. Doty's participation in them, unless she likes taking selfies with such fraudsters, which would place her own integrity and motivations in some question. The post that featured the above image kicked off a series of revealing comments, some being truly disconcerting, but not surprising. Ms. Sakach's decision to appear next to Mr. Doty was supported by Bob McGwier, Cameron Logan, and Grant Cameron, which speaks volumes without any further need for commentary by yours truly. Fortunately, David Marler and James Clarkson, two outstanding researchers of the UFO phenomenon, two gentlemen with a high level of personal and professional integrity, both strongly pushed back against the photograph, and Ms. Sakach's actions. Both gentlemen are keenly aware of the actions of Mr. Doty and his infamous place in UFO history. 

Note: The entire series of aforementioned comments, and the above photograph, can be found on the Grant Cameron Facebook page, dated June 7th of 2021. The link to that particular post is

We have Mr. Daniel Alan Jones, pictured above. Back in 2022, when I was still donating my time to schedule speakers for the now defunct Wonderland UFO Festival, I invited Mr. Jones to appear at the event. At the time, I found him to be grounded and level-headed about the UFO problem and any subsequent research and investigations, a breath of fresh air. In the intervening years, my opinion has changed. Mr. Jones has become far too close to the UFO entertainment industry, far too close to the woo, far too comfortable with people who are celebrities and personalities, and that is a shame, but not really surprising. The lure of celebrity is strong indeed. 

We have the so-called disclosure movement, with several well-known players active on the field; Sean Cahill, Jeremy Corbell, Luis Elizondo, George Knapp, Stephen Bassett, and a few second-stringers hanging on for a slice of the celebrity pie. All the players consistently make declarations about upcoming disclosure events, promises which never come to fruition. All the players promote their shows which talk about disclosure, and talk and talk and talk. All the players make appearances on the UFO circuit, as often as humanly possible. More talk, but nothing of substance. 

Finally, we have the UFO entertainment circuit, a seemingly never-ending series of events that offer authors, "researchers," celebrities, and personalities a place to rub elbows with the UFO subculture, to take endless numbers of selfies, to sell their wares and merchandise, and to keep their names at the forefront of the UFO business model. Dave Scott. Peter Robbins. Geraldine Orozco. Travis Walton. Lorien Fenton. Jimmy Church. Preston Dennett. Linda Moulton Howe. MUFON's own Earl Grey. Richard Doty. Even the late Dr. J. Allen Hynek's son Paul Hynek has fallen under the spell of celebrity. The list goes on and on and on....

Interestingly, I was messaged by Ms. Lorien Fenton just this morning. An invitation to appear on her show. My response? A polite no.

The UFO subculture is a business, pure and simple. It is not a scientific field of study. Period. 

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


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