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The Woo Train to Excrementville.

Greetings. The 'woo.' One of the most damaging aspects of the UFO subculture, and by extension, the entire paranormal arena.

Woo is a slang term for pseudoscientific explanations that are often too good to be true. The term is common among skeptics and some debunkers, people who adhere to the scientific method and push away from nonsensical and pseudoscientific approaches. The woo is a tool used to entertain the masses, and to discourage people from conducting research into the subject matter in question to find more likely and defensible explanations. 

The woo has several characteristics that hold the vast majority of the time. Some are as follows:

1. Anecdotal Information: Testimonials from alleged witnesses are often blindly accepted as valid, and placed on the same level as tangible, physical evidence. The scientific research community views anecdotal information as the weakest and least reliable form of evidence. 

2. Pseudoscience: The woo is often framed in a scientific manner, utilizing words and phrases that sound scientific and suggest a high level of legitimacy. However, the opposite is true, with the woo possessing no scientific validity or investigative legitimacy.

3. Appeal to Authority: Claims that scientific experts and authorities embrace woo supported conclusions are often made, all of which are untrue and misleading. The scientific community strongly pushes back against the woo and other pseudoscientific approaches. 

4. Persecution Complex: People who embrace the woo often make claims of being persecuted by the powers that be; the Men in Black, the goverment, the mainstream media, the scientific community, or some other unidentified agency. No proof is ever provided to support the claims. 

The UFO subculture has become more and more fascinated by the woo, with some actively seeking out those individuals who peddle such steamy excrement. The woo has no place in legitimate investigative efforts, and has no productive value, unless one makes the decision to abandon one's integrity in the name of fame, notoriety, or financial gain. Individuals who peddle the woo are harming the UFO subculture, misleading the masses, and embracing ideas and concepts that are untrue and completely void of any evidence to support them. Spaced Out Radio's Dave Scott is a prime example. Mr. Scott peddles the woo like it's going out of style, and hosts a long list of guests who spout nonsensical content all along the way. His show does a great deal of damage to the UFO subculture by providing an endless amount of fake news, disinformation, and misinformation, all in the name of making a buck, gaining viewership, and building a brand name. Disgusting. 

Such is the situation in today's environment. It is no mystery why the human species has no answers to the UFO problem, or any other fringe topics. 

Thank you for your time and consideration.


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