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Platform for a Liar.

Greetings. Nick Pope. The gentleman's name is polarizing within the confines of the UFO subculture, with many holding him in high regard, with others vilifying him and his rhetoric. 

Thanks to the insightful work of several archival researchers, Mr. Pope has been shown to be a fraud, guilty of misrepresenting his work record with Great Britain's Ministry of Defence. The best that can be said is that Mr. Pope embellished his accomplishments and responsibilities while serving the Ministry of Defence. That much is certain. What is not certain, or should I say, is most troubing, is the fact that Mr. Pope is continually given the opportunity to appear on different broadcast platforms to spread more of his untruths. In my humble opinion, many podcasters are only interested in gaining viewership and garnering attention to assist in the promotion of their shows. The situation is damaging to the effort to find accurate information on the UFO problem, with lies and misinformation given equal standing with the valid and grounded. 

I initially became aware of Mr. Pope's lies in a series of blog postings written by my friend Kevin D. Randle. Kevin's meticulous writeups about the situation are as follows:, followed by, followed by, and finally Kevin's findings about Mr. Pope were damning and revealing, which proves that the old saying is true: "The truth hurts." 

This entire writeup came together after I happened to come across an advertisement on Twitter, or X if you prefer, that was concerned with an upcoming guest appearance of Mr. Pope. Putting aside the abhorrent fact that Mr. Pope is the guest of the show in question, Mr. Julian Dorey, the host of the show, makes the statement that, and I quote: "11 years later, Nick Pope took over the UFO desk in Britain's Ministry of Defence - and gave the case [Rendlesham Forest] another look." Completely untrue! Evidently Mr. Dorey has no misgivings whatsoever about having a fraud on his show, and that speaks volumes, about Mr. Dorey, Mr. Pope, and by extension, much of the UFO subculture. Fame, fortune, notoriety, and viewership are all far more important than promoting valid, accurate, defensible content. Who the hell does Mr. Dorey think he is, Dave Scott?!?!  

My own previous writing about Mr. Pope is available at

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


  1. Yep...I mentioned a few years back that Pope was not much more than an errand boy at the MOD. He has never brought anything new to the table. There is nothing he has ever said about the UFO situation in the UK that could not be gleaned from the works of Timothy Good or Jenny Randles.

    1. Don't know why this came up as posted by "anonymous"... I'm Paul Young, a mistruster of Nick Pope since about 5 minutes after he emerged onto the scene. I'm enjoying your blog William...all the best.

    2. Thank you Sir, all the best to you and yours.


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