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Where is the Verifiable Proof?

Greetings. The effort to investigate unknown, unidentified, unanswered questions and possibilities requires one thing in particular. Proof. Verifiable proof, not anecdotal stories, not physical evidence which does not lead to any specific explanations. 

The are a multitude of questions about the universe we reside in that have remained unanswered, still so in 2024. The list is long and impressive, from the question of dark matter in the universe, to the reason why the planet Uranus rotates on its side, to whether or not extraterrestrial life exists on the moons of Jupiter, Saturn, or Neptune. All fascinating questions, which will likely be explained at some point in the future as our scientific knowledge increases. That is how unknowns become identified. That is how questions are ultimately answered. Knowledge, evidence, and proof. 

Now before moving further into unknown territory, one question should be asked: Does the burden of proof always apply, regardless of the question, or questions? In a word, YES. Any other approach opens a trap door to a situation where random and unsubstantiated claims and stories become viewed as true and verified, when that is clearly not the case. Anecdotal information, anecdotal testimonials are one thing, and such information is important, but it only goes so far, with tangible, physical evidence and proof being the final piece of the investigative puzzle. If stories alone were enough, then anyone on the street could just make up a tale about their encounter with Bigfoot, or of being verbally assulted by a racist person, or of losing their purse full of valuable documents and financial information, and the aforementioned tales would be accepted as true, completely void of any critical thinking or investigation. Not good enough. 

I could easily make up a story about being abducted by aliens and of the traumatic experience, and it would likely be accepted as accurate and true if I was not known as a skeptical curmudgeon, which I am. Without a burden of proof, anyone and everyone is in a position to be able to concoct a lie, make up an entire narrative, and promote themselves as a witness or as an "experiencer," whatever the hell that cringeworthy term really means. It is incredibly easy to do, just purchase a few books on the UFO topic and the entire abduction experience is spelled out in black and white, ready to be plagiarized. In fact, no books are necessary, just ask anyone in the public arena, and a good majority could describe the details of an abduction experience, or the general details of the Roswell case, or offer up a description of what a Bigfoot looks like, despite the fact that many of those same people may have no interest whatsoever in such subjects. 

Does anecdotal information hold up in a court of law? Often times, yes, when the individual providing the information has been properly vetted and investigated. However, we are not talking about a court case, we are talking about the real world, the environment around us, so more is needed. Proof (there's that word again.) Let's make another example(s) to support the argument. Would any of us accept advice about how to rotate the tires on our automobiles from an employee at a flower shop? NO. Would we believe the statements of a convicted felon concerning anything? NO. Are barristas and restaurant workers qualified to conduct investigations of any scientific subject matter? NO. Should any of us blindly accept stories without any proof to support their validity? NO. But, this is happening. The UFO subculture and the greater paranormal "fields" consistently make decisions to believe everything, seemingly all the frigging time. Liars are believed and embraced. Unqualified, uneducated people are looked at as "researchers," or "investigators," when nothing could be further from the truth. People tell their stories, about "their truth," and they are embraced and celebrated as being brave enough to come forward to tell their stories while surrounded by people who are totally accepting of their claims, no proof necessary. No guts needed there. 

The above issues, decisions, and situations are some of the reasons why the UFO and paranormal "fields" never move forward to any substantial degree. Stories are told and that is it. No vetting, no questioning, no investigations, just confirmation.

Scientific inquiries and legitimate investigative efforts lead to defensible answers. Answers supported by verified evidence and proof. 

Proof. Proof. 

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


  1. More than claimed proof is needed. You need multiple independent scientists affiliated with legitimate academic organizations and institutions confirming through multiple teams that the claimed physical evidence for alien visitation is genuine and eventually publishing the results in peer-reviewed publications


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