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Turns out the Bridges Aren't Burned After all, the SCU/MUFON Connection.


The Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies, formed only a few short years ago, touted itself as data-driven investigative organization, dedicated to a legitimate investigative examination of the UFO problem. The feeling at the time was that the SCU was an alternative to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and the latter organization's penchant for selling merchandise, lack of legitimate investigations, and the shameless and sensationalized promotion of the UFO phenomenon. Led by Rich Hoffman and Robert Powell, two men who spent decades working for the Mutual UFO Network in various capacities, the SCU began holding conferences in 2019, their annual Scientific Conference on Anomalous Aerospace Phenomena (AAPC,) hosting guest speakers and presenting lectures on the UFO issue. All seemed quiet on the ufological front, but all was not what it seemed. 

As it turns out, members of the SCU's Board of Directors and Founding Contributers are still members of MUFON, even active participants. Mr. Carl Paulson, a Board Emeritus and Founding Contributer, is an active MUFON participant, being a MUFON STAR Team Investigator and a member of MUFON's Science Review Board. The bridges between the two organizations have not been burned, with the SCU keeping in some form of contact with MUFON. When an organization is formed in an effort to break away from a less productive situation within another organization, MUFON in this case, the attempted breakaway needs to be absolute and complete, for any other course of action is suggestive of some dishonest, perhaps underhanded activity. The current situation makes the SCU look like a boyfriend who can't cut ties with a toxic girlfriend. Professionally embarrassing. 

Moving past intact bridges and toxic girlfriends, the SCU's recent decisions have been disquieting to say the very least. The organization's choice to schedule Ross Coulthart as the keynote speaker for their recent AAPC Conference placed their wisdom, integrity, and motivations in question. Mr. Coulthart has made statements advocating for physical violence against those involved in the alleged cover-up of the UFO phenomenon. Mr. Coulthart has consistently made statements peppered with foul language and violent rhetoric, which is certainly his right, but speech which makes the SCU, and by extension, the entire UFO research community look less than legitimate and unprofessional. The outstanding work of many credible and dedicated archivists, researchers, and investigators of the UFO problem are deserving of far better than what the SCU is promoting, and that is truly a shame, disgusting in my humble opinion. 

The links to the articles I have written concerning the SCU and its issues are available as follows:

Your thoughts on the matter are encouraged, and as always, will be respected. 

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


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