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Misinformation, Ross Coulthart Style.

Greetings. Mr. Ross Coulthart, who holds a warm and cuddly place in the lap of the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies, went on the air a few short hours ago on NewsNation. The segment focused primarily on the Roswell, New Mexico case from July of 1947. 

During the course of the segment, some "quality" misinformation was presented by Mr. Coulthart and NewsNation, in the form of three historical photographs shown while Mr. Coulthart talked about Roswell at length. Putting aside the fact that there are no photographs of the alleged Roswell craft, indeed no photographs of any alien spacecraft whatsoever, the placement of such content has the effect of misinforming the public, making it appear that the photographs on display had some connection with the Roswell case, which they clearly don't. Not exactly quality journalism, but who cares? Rich Hoffman certainly doesn't, nor does the SCU, which remains eerily silent about Mr. Coulthart's recent claims, conduct, and statements. 

The first photograph shown during the segment originates with the McMinnville, Oregon case from May 11th of 1950, and was taken by Mr. Paul Trent. The photograph has absolutely nothing to do with the Roswell case of 1947, or any other historical case. I suppose it was too herculean of an undertaking to conduct a bit of research so as to not misinform the public by using inaccurate content on the air. No such luck. 

The second photograph originates from October 16th of 1957, over Holloman Air Force Missile Development Center, located in New Mexico. The photograph was originally released to the public by the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, and has absolutely nothing to do with the Roswell case of 1947, or any other historical case. More sloppy journalism courtesy of Mr. Coulthart and the staff at NewsNation. Embarrassing. 

The third photograph is a hoax, created in Meersberg, Germany back in January of 2000. Yes, a faked photograph of a UFO. Imagine that.

To be brutally blunt, what the hell is the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies thinking, having an individual who engages in the promotion of fake and inaccurate content appear as the keynote speaker for their upcoming annual conference? It places the organization's moral and professional integrity firmly in question. As far as Mr. Coulthart, his moral and professional integrity has sailed and sunk into the excrement filled quagmire otherwise known as the UFO entertainment industry. 

The link to the program in question is available at

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


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