Ironic Hypocrisy, Ross Coulthart Style.

Greetings. Bullying and violent rhetoric. Such unfortunate usage of the English language has become as commonplace as unsubstantiated claims of alien abduction or visitation. Far too commonplace. 

"I don't like the bullies in UFO social media and they need to be taken down. They need to be called out, and vilified, and exposed for what they are...." Mr. Ross Coulthart, an Australian journalist who is well-known in UFO circles, made the previous statement during a recent edition of "UAP Studies Podcast." The program is co-hosted by Jason Guillemette and Dr. Michael Clawson, who is a member of the SCU, the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies, a detail which will become important as we move along. The link to the program is

Back to Mr. Coulthart and his statement, or should I say statements. During the course of some previous programs, Mr. Coulthart has uttered some troubling and downright disrespectful things, aimed at unnamed parties. One such comment reads as follows, and I quote, "Those covering up UFOs should be tarred and feathered and dragged around Washington D.C. and stoned behind a Humvee." His words, certainly not mine. Mr. Coulthart made the statement during the course of his appearance on "That UFO Podcast" that aired on October 9th of 2023. The link to that particular program is

Circling back to the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies, the organization recently announced that Mr. Coulthart is going to be the keynote speaker for their upcoming 2024 Annual Anomalous Aerospace Phenomena Conference, to be held from May 31st thru June 2nd of this calendar year. In my humble opinion, scheduling such a controversial person, as Mr. Coulthart obviously is, is a disturbing decision for any organization, especially one that has attempted to hold itself to a higher standard than the majority of the UFO research community. The SCU's decision is eerily reminiscent of what the Mutual UFO Network did when they had Corey Goode appear as their keynote speaker for the 2017 MUFON International Symposium. A red flag to say the very least. Ridiculous, embarrassing, and counterproductive to go just a bit further. 

To push this revealing narrative even further down the UFO road, Mr. Coulthart's appearance on "UAP Studies Podcast" amounted to a series of subjective opinions made in a completely safe environment, since a co-host of the program is the aforementioned Dr. Michael Clawson, of the SCU, the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies. Mr. Coulthart was in no danger of being called out or challenged during the program, in fact, it amounted to a shameless opportunity to advance and promote his upcoming keynote speaker appearance for the SCU. It appears that the SCU is comfortable with the bullying rhetoric that Mr. Coulthart is spouting, all the while accusing others of the exact same behavior. Talk about ironic and hypocritical.  

Is the UFO ship leaving the dock with the SCU's professional credibility and/or integrity? Has that particular ship already sailed? I haven't the foggiest idea, but I have seen the same sort of thing happen before, with none of the offending groups having recovered from their self-inflicted wounds, their ill-advised decisions.

Time will tell, but the more time goes by, the more the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies looks like the Mutual UFO Network, and that is truly a shame.

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


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