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Showing posts from October, 2023

A Faires Assessment.

Greetings.  "...they want unsubstantiated claims, void of tangible evidence???" "Who are you talking about? It would be great to have something substantial to prove what I have seen. I gave you a description of my best sighting, and could have told you a great amount of related details, but you didn't even give a react, much less ask for more info. We, who see them as civilians, who are witness to their comings and goings and sometimes are their subjects of study, do not get to have proof of these things. It isn't allowed. The govt entities they make alliances with are the ones who have the proof, but of course THEY aren't allowed to divulge anything publicly either... And there is our conundrum... You seem, most times, all too willing to be one who is enthusiastic about debunking the whole idea of alien visitation, and far too unwilling to just listen to what has actually happened, using your natural ability of discernment as a guide. I find this very annoyi

Die Glocke? Die Crap.

Greetings. Conspiracy theories are dime a dozen, and are entertained and embraced by millions of people around the planet.  The story of the Die Glocke is one of the most well-known, and one of the least provable conspiracy theories. The Die Glocke, or "The Bell," allegedly was a top-secret weapon that the Nazis developed in the European theater near the end of World War II. Known as a "Wunderwaffe," which is a term which applies to the advanced technology that the Nazis may or may not have developed, the Die Glocke was allegedly a contraption that had anti-gravity capabilities, was an operational time machine, and was derived from a recovered flying saucer. The Die Glocke describes as follows: Bell shaped, standing 3.7 meters tall, or about 12 feet, with a diameter of about 2.7 meters, or 9 feet in circumference. From an appearances standpoint, the Die Glocke is believed to be identical to the UFO that allegedly crashed near Kecksburg, Pennsylvania on December 9th

Disclosure? The UFO Community Jumps the Gun.

Greetings. The testimonials of David Charles Grusch set the UFO community on it's head, kicking off a spirited discussion about the possibilities of disclosure, whatever that term really means.  Mr. Grusch testified in front of the House Oversight Committee on national security subcommittee on July 26th of this year. Mr. Grusch appeared alongside two retired military veterans, David Fravor, a former commanding officer in the United States Navy, and Ryan Graves, executive director of Americans for Safe Aerospace. As opposed to the first-hand accounts of Mr. Fravor and Mr. Graves, who discussed their personal experiences with UFOs while on active duty, the testimony given by Mr. Grusch was second-hand in nature, legally hearsay.  All three gentlemen advocated for greater clarity on the subject of UAPs, which is the acronym of favor nowadays, a point of view shared by subcommittee members of both political parties. Soon after the much anticipated hearings, declarations began to be mad

A Reasonable Requirement, Hitchens' Razor at Play.

Greetings. The investigation of any event, any crime, any unknown, any unsolved mystery requires evidence. Evidence which proves that an event took place, evidence which corroborates witness testimonials, evidence which can be examined by independent investigators and researchers, evidence which allows for an investigative consensus. When no evidence is available, the investigative effort is almost a lost cause, but not impossible. Witness testimonials, whilst not accepted as evidence in the scientific community, still has some value, when looked at logically. Logically being the operative word. The information gathered from individuals can be revealing and can lead in directions that may bear some fruit.  I have always held the late Christopher Hitchens (1949-2011) in high regard. His epistemological razor, known as Hitchens' Razor states that "What can be asserted without evidence, can also be dismissed without evidence." Magnificently stated and agreed. The standard se

Warm Memories in Roswell.

Greetings. Once upon a time, I used to make the long journey to Roswell, New Mexico two or three times a year, year after year without fail. The place holds a special place in my heart, and always will. At the forefront of the warm memories is The International UFO Museum and Research Center. The UFO Museum's library is the second largest in the world, and it's collection of books, files, videos, journals, pamphlets, and sighting reports is simply awe-inspiring to behold. The UFO Museum's library and research center is usually fairly quiet, even during the annual Roswell UFO Festival, and I have always thoroughly enjoyed spending hours and hours with the silent volumes, silent yet deafening with information. The hallowed halls of the UFO Museum contain even more information on the UFO problem, and are far more family friendly to the general public, the uninitiated.  Some special memories come to mind. The snow flurries in Roswell late on a cold Christmas night. The massive

Blissfully Ignorant, Embarrassingly Uninformed.

Greetings. In many ways, the UFO community is a social club, where people rub elbows with celebrities and researchers, and oftentimes, with liars. Far too often, legitimate research work is not a part of the dynamic, instead, the effort to be seen with people of some notoriety is the only goal. Selfies are taken, contacts are exchanged, and people whore themselves in an attempt to become part of the club. It would all seem embarrassing, but that is lost on the parties involved.  Now it's one thing to rub elbows with researchers in the UFO community, I have done the exact same thing in decades past. It is another thing altogether to socialize with liars and disinformation/misinformation agents. That latter scenario happens all the time, mostly because the draw of the UFO social club is strong, but occasionally because some people are simply ignorant of UFO history. Blissfully ignorant, embarrassingly uninformed. The image attached to this particular blog posting is something I happe

Acronym Mania.

Greetings. The search for answers to the problem of unidentified flying objects has been going on for decades now, with no end in sight.  A whole slew of investigative approaches and techniques have been applied to the effort to research and investigate the UFO issue, with varying degrees of success. One aspect of the way the public looks at the issue seems on the surface to be quite insignificant, but it has had a strong influence on how the public sees the issue. Acronyms. The acronym "UFO" has been in the public arena since the heady days of Captain Edward J. Ruppelt of the U.S. Air Force's Project Blue Book. Since the acronym first appeared, and began to be used by the greater UFO community, the term has become synonymous with all things extraterrestrial. Nowadays, anything that carries the label "UFO" is immediately assumed and/or determined, despite a lack of evidence or investigation, to be alien in nature, no matter what. The National Investigations Comm

MUFON's Penchant for Skullduggery.

Greetings. The Mutual UFO Network, or MUFON, is the most well-known civilian UFO organization still in operation.  MUFON has been in operation since May of 1969, and is now the only game in town, so to speak, with APRO (Aerial Phenomena Research Organization) and NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena) having gone into UFO history. Initially the organization was focused on conducting investigations of the UFO problem, with local chapters operating here in the United States, and later on, abroad in some countries. The organization collected sighting reports and witness testimonials, organized local meetings for members, and held symposiums on a yearly basis. This mode of operation continued well into the 2000's. Then a change began to become apparent.  By the arrival of the 2000's, MUFON had started to shift it's focus, a shift that was apparent to some members, a shift that has become apparent to the greater UFO community nowadays. Whilst the specific