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Disclosure? The UFO Community Jumps the Gun.

Greetings. The testimonials of David Charles Grusch set the UFO community on it's head, kicking off a spirited discussion about the possibilities of disclosure, whatever that term really means. 

Mr. Grusch testified in front of the House Oversight Committee on national security subcommittee on July 26th of this year. Mr. Grusch appeared alongside two retired military veterans, David Fravor, a former commanding officer in the United States Navy, and Ryan Graves, executive director of Americans for Safe Aerospace. As opposed to the first-hand accounts of Mr. Fravor and Mr. Graves, who discussed their personal experiences with UFOs while on active duty, the testimony given by Mr. Grusch was second-hand in nature, legally hearsay. 

All three gentlemen advocated for greater clarity on the subject of UAPs, which is the acronym of favor nowadays, a point of view shared by subcommittee members of both political parties. Soon after the much anticipated hearings, declarations began to be made in the UFO community, declarations of full disclosure, with quite a few memes posted on social media that featured Bob Lazar with text below stating "Told you so." Now I won't profess to know if any form of disclosure actually occurred, but I do have some thoughts on the matter.

The information that Mr. Fravor and Mr. Graves offered was nothing new. For decades, UFO investigators have examined the exact same information from many witnesses, some civilian, some military personnel. So their testimonials were quality first-hand accounts, but recycled claims. The information that Mr. Grusch offered was second-hand in nature, as I stated before, and like the other witness accounts, it was nothing new. Mr. Grusch spoke at length about a secret crash/retrieval program. Nothing new. Mr. Grusch spoke about recovered "non-human" spacecraft. Nothing new. Mr. Grusch spoke about recovered "non-human biologics." Nothing new. 

If you are sensing a pattern, you are quite perceptive. The July 26th congressional hearings uncovered nothing new, just the same old stories and unsubstantiated claims. In addition, Mr. Grusch provided no specific details; names, ranks, organizational acronyms, etc...., that would allow for a more thorough understanding of his story. Claims have been made that Mr. Grusch provided specific details behind closed doors in secret, but logically we cannot substantiate such claims since we don't have access to those alleged secret meetings. Despite that, many people made firm declarations about what happened during the course of those aforementioned secret meetings. How the hell do those people know? I have no idea, and I obviously don't believe their claims. It's just talk, talk, and more talk. 

In closing, do we know any more than we did prior to the congressional hearings? No. Nothing new came to light. Nothing. So did disclosure happen? In my humble opinion, no. 

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


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