A Faires Assessment.


"...they want unsubstantiated claims, void of tangible evidence???"

"Who are you talking about? It would be great to have something substantial to prove what I have seen. I gave you a description of my best sighting, and could have told you a great amount of related details, but you didn't even give a react, much less ask for more info.

We, who see them as civilians, who are witness to their comings and goings and sometimes are their subjects of study, do not get to have proof of these things. It isn't allowed. The govt entities they make alliances with are the ones who have the proof, but of course THEY aren't allowed to divulge anything publicly either... And there is our conundrum...

You seem, most times, all too willing to be one who is enthusiastic about debunking the whole idea of alien visitation, and far too unwilling to just listen to what has actually happened, using your natural ability of discernment as a guide.

I find this very annoying about you. I find it to be uncharacteristic of one who seeks to know the truth. I find it more in line with those who wish to discount the possibility on the most narrow minded basis a human can have on this subject.

I find you to be very uninteresting, on this basis, and I doubt I'll follow you any longer. You have NOTHING to contribute to the subject matter, other than unreformed and unabated continual skepticism of the entire subject. I have NEVER seen you discuss any of the truly remarkable cases, or mass sightings. You act as well f those exist in a vacuum, unrelated to the current interest, or as if they don't exist at all.

You are boring."

The thoughts of Dennis R. Faires. This gentleman left behind the aforementioned comments on a recent blog posting on my platform on Facebook. He was clearly not happy with my points of view, my skeptical approach, or my thoughts on the UFO problem. That is par for the course in the UFO subculture. My response to Mr. Faires was as follows: 

"I did not respond to your sighting details because this is not a platform for reporting such alleged events. As far as your thoughts on the matters at hand, I respect your opinions. You are always welcome to not read my posts. Thank you Sir."

I will not return personal comments with the same kind of rhetoric. I keep it measured and professional at all times. However, Mr. Faires' comments did prove my point, specifically about the blog posting in question, which can be found at https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02WHaA8zoRV7J7dLFE3iBE8F4UAtQvzWK7sBCR35BZ1vzHXBYgz3pgyXJtDLS75PsDl&id=100063229330941&mibextid=Nif5oz. His comments were personal in nature, and not civil or productive. Such comments are never conducive to meaningful interactions or discussions about any topics, including the UFO issue. 

I cannot stress strongly enough the need for civil, cordial, objective, and productive discussions, not just about UFOs, but about any topic. If we can't act like adults, then we have no hope of maturing as a species. 

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


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