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MUFON's Penchant for Skullduggery.

Greetings. The Mutual UFO Network, or MUFON, is the most well-known civilian UFO organization still in operation. 

MUFON has been in operation since May of 1969, and is now the only game in town, so to speak, with APRO (Aerial Phenomena Research Organization) and NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena) having gone into UFO history. Initially the organization was focused on conducting investigations of the UFO problem, with local chapters operating here in the United States, and later on, abroad in some countries. The organization collected sighting reports and witness testimonials, organized local meetings for members, and held symposiums on a yearly basis. This mode of operation continued well into the 2000's. Then a change began to become apparent. 

By the arrival of the 2000's, MUFON had started to shift it's focus, a shift that was apparent to some members, a shift that has become apparent to the greater UFO community nowadays. Whilst the specific details of the internal changes will be covered by my wife Venus Renee Pullin in her own meticulous research writings, this particular blog posting will approach the issue from a far more personal perspective, to borrow a term used by my friend Kevin Randle. A few years ago, I made the ill-advised attempt to work alongside the local chapter here in San Antonio, Texas. To be clear, I have never been a member of MUFON, but I was a member of the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) during the final years of it's operational existence prior to Coral and Jim Lorenzen passing away in the late 1980's. 

I was hoping to influence the chapter towards a more grounded and scientific approach to the UFO problem, but alas, my hopes were all in vain. The local members were not enamored with my efforts, and after four weeks on the job, I was fired by the State Director at the time for not being a MUFON member. Mr. Ken Jordan, the head of the San Antonio chapter, and recently the former Texas State Director for MUFON, gave me the news of my firing, and seemed disappointed by the move, however, he had stated to me just a few weeks earlier that I would not need to join the organization to be able to work alongside the local chapter. Turns out that was not true, so Mr. Jordan either lied to me, or he was ignorant of the situation. Both possibilities are troubling. 

In the years following the events in question, I have become a pariah in the local UFO community, which I wear as a badge of honor, and have been blocked from the MUFON San Antonio Facebook page. Unfortunately, my wife Venus and I have consistently been targeted by the chapter, and treated in less than civil ways. Her own negative experiences dealing with MUFON are something she will address, but they are abhorrent to say the very least. Mr. Ken Jordan was fully aware of the situation, and did absolutely nothing about it, which spoke volumes about his integrity and internal fortitude, or lack thereof. 

Nowadays, I have no contact whatsoever with the organization, certainly not with the local chapter, for it is populated by people who engage in skullduggery, particularly the Texas State Coordinator Tater Baker. I don't know if that is actually a legitimate title within the organization, or if it's a figment of her imagination, but no matter, I keep far away from MUFON's toxic behavior and rhetoric. When terms like "loser" and "two-faced" are thrown in my direction, I simply ignore them, but they do speak volumes about the people who cast them, MUFON members. 

I recently founded a new platform on Facebook to allow people who have experienced negative interactions with MUFON to voice their opinions, thoughts, and grievances. "MUFON: A Cult of Incompetence," is the title of the new platform, and the public is welcome to join the group and participate in the discussions. The group is available at Three former State Directors for MUFON, now former members of the organization, have already joined the group, Erica Lukes, Nick Roesler, and James Clarkson.

My wife Venus Renee Pullin is the President of the San Antonio Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, available at Her research work and writings are informed, grounded, professional and straightforward in nature. 

If anyone wishes to leave their thoughts in a comment on the MUFON San Antonio Facebook page, it is available at

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


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