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Showing posts from September, 2023

A Personal Commentary.

Greetings. As the decades have passed, and as social media has become more and more important to the effort to communicate, less than desirable, outwardly personal interactions have become far, far too commonplace. I have often been the target of some abhorrent and less-than-cordial personal attacks. I have always viewed such attacks as amateurish and unprofessional, and not worthy of a response. However, now that I am a married gentleman, the situation has completely changed. My wife, Venus Renee Pullin, the President of the San Antonio Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, is highly involved in UFO research, and I always hold her efforts in high regard. She has an informed and straightforward take on the UFO issue, and while we don't always agree, I always respect her opinions, thoughts, and conclusions. Her intelligent and insightful writings are something to behold, informative and far more enjoyable to read than my blunt offerings. Now we arrive at the reason for this person

MUFON, Detrimental to the Investigative Cause.

Greetings. The heady days of APRO, the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, and NICAP, the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, have come and gone, leaving MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network, as the only pony in the investigative race. The situation as it now stands is a monopoly of sorts, with MUFON taking up the lion's share of the attention. It is the elephant in the UFO room, but what is that particular elephant really doing? Has MUFON accomplished anything of substance? Let's take an honest look.  1. Has MUFON uncovered any evidence of alien visitation? No. The best MUFON can claim is that a few of the cases that it's field investigators have examined have remained unexplained, and are possibly anomalous in nature. However, nothing artificial and non-terrestrial has turned up.  2. Has MUFON maintained it's organizational integrity since it originally came into being back in May of 1969? No. MUFON has become an entertainment entity, with the selling

Where Have Daylight Disks Gone?

Greetings. Once upon a time, back in the heady days of the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization and the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, the reporting of daylight disks was a relatively common occurrence. In fact, the reporting of such events happened on a worldwide basis, with people all around the planet seeing UFOs that fit into the daylight disk category. Coral and Jim Lorenzen of ARPO received daylight disk sighting reports year after year, as did the staffs at NICAP, and the numerous other lesser-known civilian investigative efforts. The McMinnville event of May 1950 and the Rex Heflin event of August 1965 are prime historical examples of daylight disks.  As the decades slowly passed, many other categories of UFOs began to grow in reported numbers, with nocturnal lights reported by witnesses on a more consistent basis. By the late 1980's, when the Mutual UFO Network became the sole civilian investigative organization in operation, the situation had com

A Comfortable Position, A Luxurious Position.

Greetings. The acquisition of fame, celebrity, and notoriety is a powerful inducement in the UFO community. It can influence people to make choices that they might not normally make, some being less than judicious. With the effort to investigate the UFO problem taking a backseat to the UFO entertainment industry, the situation is becoming more and more readily apparent. The promotion of shows, UFO events, and merchandise happens all the time, with a never-ending flood of advertisements filling our social media feeds. While the fact that the UFO issue is the subject of so much content is not necessarily a bad thing, such content is not necessarily productive or portrays the subject in a historically accurate manner. Now there have been many high quality books written about the UFO topic, all being well-researched and competently written. Some of the titles are as follows: "The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects" by Edward J. Ruppelt. "Roswell in the 21st Century"

Rest Assured! The Game is Still Afoot.

Greetings. I am often accused of being very negative in my writings and observations about the UFO community. Guilty as charged, although it must be stated that there is quite a bit of counterproductive stuff going in within the confines of the UFO community, so my grumpy approach is warranted. I have always felt that if important issues are not addressed, if we don't open our mouths, then our collective silence makes us a part of the problem. I will not keep quiet. Ever. Having said all that, there are several individuals and organizations that deserve our full support and encouragement. The San Antonio Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, led by SAPRO President Venus R. Pullin, is a scientifically minded organization that promotes valid information and legitimate investigative efforts. The organization's approach is a credit to Venus' integrity and leadership, with her passion for investigating the UFO problem on full display. The late Coral Lorenzen would be proud! Th

Appearances Count for Nothing in the UFO Field.

Greetings. The level of professionalism in the UFO field is often suspect, and occasionally non-existent. Many well-known people in the UFO community consistently appear on shows, at UFO events, and with other celebrities whose backgrounds are less than favorable. Some celebrities take selfies with frauds and hoaxers. None of this constitutes research work. It is a bizarre situation.  Just a few days ago the Mexican government held hearings on the UFO issue, with some noteworthy people in attendance. The infamous Jaime Maussan, an individual who has consistently promoted hoaxed material, and embraced hoaxed UFO cases was in attendance. Ryan Graves, a retired Navy pilot who has recently testified about his personal experiences with UFOs while on active duty was in attendance. Robert Salas, a retired Air Force Captain who was a witness to the unexplained events at Malmstrom Air Force Base in 1967 was in attendance.  Why is this worthy of note? Why is this even an issue? Simple. When peop

No Reporting is Necessary?

Greetings. I thoroughly enjoy interacting with people who have a vested interest in the UFO issue. I don't always agree with their points of view, but I always respect their perspectives. It invariably makes for some thoughtful conversations. Occasionally I receive a comment or question that leaves me downright flabbergasted. One comment I received a couple days ago left me in just such a discombobulated state. The comment in question was, and I quote: "Why is reporting so essential for investigation?" Yes, you read it correctly. In my humble opinion, the process of investigation begins with witness testimonials, collected when reported to an investigative organization not named MUFON. If an event transpires, and the witnesses to the event don't bother to report the occurrence, then there is no way for investigators to examine the event, much less know an event took place at all. The reporting of potentially anomalous events is absolutely essential to any investigativ

A New Endeavour.

Greetings. The UFO arena is populated with many nonsensical platforms, unprofessional groups and "organizations." Perhaps it has always been this way, but my feeling is that the situation has gotten substantially worse with the influence of the Internet and social media at play. Expanding Frontiers Research is completely different. Headed by Executive Director Erica Lukes, and with the involvement of Jack Brewer and Barry Greenwood, this organization is dedicated to a focused look at the UFO issue and it's various aspects. The organization, just today, has announced that an online archive will be launched in the coming days, a repository of UFO information, free of invalid content or false information. The online archive will be launched on September 14th, and will be available on the organization's website, available at . The organization broadcasts every Friday evening at 6:00pm Central Time from their YouTube channel, ava

MUFON: Peddling Nonsense or Unknowingly Ignorant?

Greetings. The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) was once a legitimate investigative organization. Back in the 1970's, the organization worked alongside, but not in cooperation with, the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) and the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP.) By the 1990's, MUFON was the only game left in town, with APRO and NICAP having passed into UFO history. In recent years, the organization's focus has shifted away from UFO investigations towards the UFO entertainment industry and the nonsensical content it embraces. The organization has experienced several setbacks in recent years, self-inflicted wounds that tended to occur at the upper echelons of the organization, with the names Jan Harzan, John Ventre, and Steve Hudgeons immediately coming to mind. Despite this situation, there are several local chapters that have maintained a level of investigative focus and legitimacy, keeping the chaos of the higher organization at arm's

A New Platform.

Greetings. My name is William G. Pullin. I am a blogger who focuses on the UFO problem and the sciences. My blog platform on Facebook has served me well for the past few years, but today's events have made a change of platforms necessary.  I had written up an expose concerning a recent development with the San Antonio chapter of MUFON, proceeded to post the content, and had Facebook delete the entire composition due to it not adhering to community standards. I did not use any foul language, nor did I make any unsupported declarations about any of the parties involved. Nevertheless, the blog posting was deleted in it's entirety. Seems Facebook has become a limited platform, where the blunt and straightforward addressing of important issues is out of bounds. Unfortunate.  No matter. Time to move forward. While I will still utilize the platform for less important blogs, I will certainly not use Facebook for addressing more pressing issues. What's the old saying? "Fool me