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A Personal Commentary.

Greetings. As the decades have passed, and as social media has become more and more important to the effort to communicate, less than desirable, outwardly personal interactions have become far, far too commonplace.

I have often been the target of some abhorrent and less-than-cordial personal attacks. I have always viewed such attacks as amateurish and unprofessional, and not worthy of a response. However, now that I am a married gentleman, the situation has completely changed. My wife, Venus Renee Pullin, the President of the San Antonio Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, is highly involved in UFO research, and I always hold her efforts in high regard. She has an informed and straightforward take on the UFO issue, and while we don't always agree, I always respect her opinions, thoughts, and conclusions. Her intelligent and insightful writings are something to behold, informative and far more enjoyable to read than my blunt offerings.

Now we arrive at the reason for this personal commentary. Mr. Aaron Phillips. 

Mr. Phillips has chosen to make personal and disrespectful comments aimed directly at my wife, not on the SAPRO page, but in a Facebook group that Venus and I were both members of. The comments in question were trollish and amateurish, picking and searching for negative responses, to which my wife Venus responded to with a measured approach, so as to not sink to the level of Mr. Phillips. Venus was accused by Mr. Phillips of being an authority on the UFO issue, of attempting to market the SAPRO organization, of being a grandstander, and of being an incompetent writer. Let me address Mr. Phillips' accusations now:

1. Mr. Phillips accused Venus of portraying herself as an authority on the UFO phenomenon. Venus has never portrayed herself as an authority on the UFO issue. Such a declaration would be completely off-base, inaccurate, and indefensible.

2. Mr. Phillips accused Venus of attempting to market the SAPRO organization. The San Antonio Aerial Phenomena Research Organization is a non-profit organization, and does not sell memberships or any sort of merchandise. SAPRO is not a business venture. Period. 

3. Mr. Phillips accused Venus of being a grandstander. Incorrect. Venus simply writes about her thoughts and investigative conclusions, not in an effort to portray herself in any sort of dishonest way, but simply to express herself and to promote valid and accurate information on the UFO problem. 

4. Mr. Phillips accused Venus of being an incompetent writer. Since Mr. Phillips does not spend long evenings sitting on the living room couch at home with us, while Venus researches and constructs her postings, we can reasonably declare Mr. Phillips' accusation is invalid and laughable. 

During the course of this unacceptable episode, it became apparent that Mr. Phillips had some sort of issue with my wife, since he did not interact with any other group members in such a disrespectful and trollish manner. I would expect that Mr. Phillips would not appreciate it if his own wife were addressed in such a manner, yet he had no misgivings about treating my own wife disrespectfully.

Venus and I left the group in question, as a direct result of administrative indecision. Mr. Phillips was not removed from the group, with the chief administrator advocating for the blocking of the parties involved. Logically that means that abhorrent behavior does not result in removal, and that instead of holding a member accountable for their behavior towards another member, simply blocking them is enough. Not good enough, not by a long shot, I respect my wife too much to simply let it go.

I lost respect for some individuals today.

To be perfectly clear, I don't care what people think about me personally, it is an non-issue, but I will not tolerate any sort of abhorrent behavior directed towards my wife Venus. I have zero tolerance for such childish activity. Period. 

Thank you. 


  1. I read the exchange, and I completely understand your position.Kudos to you for stating your case and sticking up for your wife and your principles. So sorry you are leaving the group, though. It has lost a valuable member. I will continue to follow your writings via this blog.

    1. I appreciate your kind words. You can also follow my writings on my blog platform on Facebook, if that works for you. That particular platform has all of my writings, about the UFO issue and other topics. It's cleverly entitled "William G. Pullin" Thanks again Sir.

    2. Will do. I don’t spend much time on Facebook except to focus on a few subjects of interest. Your platform will be one. Does your wife and the SAPRO group have a platform as well? I believe she left the group in question also.
      BTW, I enjoyed her commentary that raised the cockles of Mr. Phillips, and commented on her accuracy. (I’m a neurologist). His claims do not seem valid to me, and his posts come across as merely spiteful.

    3. Yes Sir. Venus' writings and observations appear on the SAPRO page on Facebook, under "San Antonio Aerial Phenomena Research Organization." Agreed concerning his comments. At the very least they were disrespectful to my wife.


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