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Rest Assured! The Game is Still Afoot.

Greetings. I am often accused of being very negative in my writings and observations about the UFO community. Guilty as charged, although it must be stated that there is quite a bit of counterproductive stuff going in within the confines of the UFO community, so my grumpy approach is warranted. I have always felt that if important issues are not addressed, if we don't open our mouths, then our collective silence makes us a part of the problem. I will not keep quiet. Ever.

Having said all that, there are several individuals and organizations that deserve our full support and encouragement.

The San Antonio Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, led by SAPRO President Venus R. Pullin, is a scientifically minded organization that promotes valid information and legitimate investigative efforts. The organization's approach is a credit to Venus' integrity and leadership, with her passion for investigating the UFO problem on full display. The late Coral Lorenzen would be proud!

The Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies is a think-tank comprised of accomplished and credentialed people who have decades of experience examining the UFO issue. The SCU has members who hold advanced degrees in a wide variety of fields, all of whom apply their knowledge to the investigative effort. I am proud to be able to call SCU member Rich Hoffman a friend, even more proud to call SCU member Venus R. Pullin my wife!

Expanding Frontiers Research is a new addition to the archival and investigate effort. Led by Executive Director Erica Lukes, the organization takes a data driven approach to the UFO problem, which includes looking at the UFO issue from a historical perspective. With the assistance of Jack Brewer and Barry Greenwood, Expanding Frontiers Research is one of the few organizations that maintains a high level of integrity, keeping far away from the nonsense. Once again, I am proud to call Erica Lukes a friend!

Finally, The National UFO Historical Records Center. Led by David Marler, an outstanding archivist and researcher of the UFO issue, the NUFOHRC is actively acquiring historical documentation, case studies, and other such material for safe keeping and thorough examination. Historical data allows modern UFO researchers to place newer events in a proper perspective, so the efforts of NUFOHRC are absolutely essential. Assisting in the effort are Jan Aldrich and Barry Greenwood, a busy gentleman to say the least. Bravo gentlemen!

It is heartwarming to know that the efforts of these aforementioned organizations, and a few others I did not mention here, are keeping the search for answers to the UFO problem alive and well. Yes, we still have the nonsensical content being promoted by MUFON, Richard Doty, Steven Greer, Jaime Maussan, Linda Moulton Howe, and the UFO entertainment industry, but they don't offer any hope of real answers, all they offer is nonsense, and a road to nowhere. 

As far as the organizations that I mentioned, they are all outstanding! All worthy of our full support and encouragement! None are part of the UFO entertainment industry. The San Antonio Aerial Phenomena Research Organization can be reached at The Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies can be reached at Expanding Frontiers Research can be reached at The National UFO Historical Records Center can be reached at I strongly encourage you all to take a long look at their highly focused, professional, and straightforward efforts to examine and investigate the UFO enigma.  

We still have hope. Rest assured. The game is afoot.

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


  1. Absolutely! Yes! There's hope for science!

    1. Thank goodness! Science is an essential tool at our disposal. Absolutely essential. Thanks so much for your thoughts on the matter. Much appreciated!

  2. Thank you for this information, William, and for helping us to separate the wheat from the chaff as far as reliable "experts" deserving of our attention. BTW, I appreciate the "grumpy" approach you bring to the subject.

  3. You are very welcome Sir! The UFO problem is deserving of a serious approach, anything less is a complete waste of time. I greatly appreciate your support Sir!


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