A Comfortable Position, A Luxurious Position.

Greetings. The acquisition of fame, celebrity, and notoriety is a powerful inducement in the UFO community. It can influence people to make choices that they might not normally make, some being less than judicious. With the effort to investigate the UFO problem taking a backseat to the UFO entertainment industry, the situation is becoming more and more readily apparent.

The promotion of shows, UFO events, and merchandise happens all the time, with a never-ending flood of advertisements filling our social media feeds. While the fact that the UFO issue is the subject of so much content is not necessarily a bad thing, such content is not necessarily productive or portrays the subject in a historically accurate manner. Now there have been many high quality books written about the UFO topic, all being well-researched and competently written. Some of the titles are as follows:

"The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects" by Edward J. Ruppelt.

"Roswell in the 21st Century" by Kevin D. Randle.

"Flying Saucer Occupants" by Coral and Jim Lorenzen. 

"Incident at Exeter" by John G. Fuller.

"The UFO Experience" by Dr. J. Allen Hynek.

"The UFO Evidence" by Richard H. Hall.

There certainly are more titles that should be a part of the above list, but my memory is sketchy at best, so I'll keep the list as is, short and sweet. However, the rest of the content/merchandise being offered to the UFO community is far less consistently reliable, with many lesser quality books and "documentaries" on the market, misinforming the UFO community along the way.

Getting back to the topic at hand, because of the influences at play within the UFO community,  many people of some notoriety are unwilling to take up positions, or make firm statements that may not be popular with the UFO masses. Nobody seems to have any balls, save for a few individuals who I hold in high regard, Kevin Randle and John Greenewald being among them. What often happens instead is that the status quo is maintained, no feathers are ruffled, and no waves of any substantial size are made. Just one big happy family, with terms like "my dear friend" thrown around like a football in Kansas City. No harm, no foul. Yes, quite foul. 

The process of legitimate investigation involves considering possibilities that may not be popular, but are supported by valid evidence. People involved in law enforcement and scientific endeavors know this very well. In the end, what we may believe as individuals does not matter one iota, what we can definitively prove beyond a shadow of a doubt does. When other factors influence a person's decisions, thought processes, or considerations, then their professional integrity has been lost. To be clear, that standard only applies to individuals who claim to be involved in UFO investigations. If an individual is active on the entertainment side of the UFO community, and does not portray themselves in any other manner, then there is no issue, for they are being completely honest about their efforts. 

In the past calendar year, I have pushed away from the UFO community, keeping far away from the chaos, keeping the nonsense at arm's length. The reasons for my decision were simple; my personal life became a factor in my professional work in the UFO field. That is a line which should never be crossed, but it happened. That is something I will not tolerate. As a result of my decision, I have begun to realize the luxury of not being part of the UFO community, for I no longer care about the ramifications of my statements and declarations, not that I ever did, but now I can address issues in a far more honest and straightforward manner. I can "let it fly" so to speak, for I have no book to sell, nor am I minding my words or actions in order to not sacrifice any potential invitations to future UFO events. It is quite a comfortable position to be in, a luxurious position.

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


  1. I was once deeply entrenched in the UFO topic, knowing the players, keeping up on every day's "developments" and watching sources for the next big thing, and it was an exhausting, drama filled waste of time. Whether subconsciously or consciously, I moved away from that drama and began to study the topic without all of that noise. Ironically, I am still well informed and up to date on events, maybe even more so because I enjoy the pursuit again, I just don't know who is calling whom names on Twitter... and I'm ok with that.

    1. I appreciate your thoughts on the matter, and your honesty. The UFO community can be a very noisy, nonsensical place. Thank you Sir.


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