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Showing posts from June, 2024

Where Have all the Robust Cases Gone?

Greetings. Any cursory examination of the UFO phenomenon reveals that the decades long history of the topic is peppered with robust historical cases. Some of the names are familiar; Roswell, Socorro, Cash/Landrum, Dexter/Hillsdale, etc.... Some of the robust cases are not well known to the UFO subculture but those cases are on the books, known to the most dedicated archivists, researchers, and investigators working on the UFO problem. However, in today's UFO world, we don't seem to have robust, multiple witness sighting reports coming in. Why? Where have all the robust cases gone? In decades past, civilian UFO organizations used to collect sighting reports, which was a logical and necessary course of action, since there were no other avenues available to witnesses. APRO (Aerial Phenomena Research Organization,) NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena,) and MUFON (Mutual UFO Network,) among many other smaller operations, encouraged the reporting of UFO sight

Looking for Intelligent Life on Earth? Don't Look to Mr. David McCash.

Greetings. Mr. David McCash. A charter member of the human race, complete with a high level of illiteracy and incompetence.  Human beings can be intelligent and thoughtful creatures, capable of highly insightful commentary and logical consideration. However, a few members of our species don't seem to be able to measure up to such reasonable intellectual standards. Mr. David McCash is one such "special" mammal.  A short time ago, Mr. McCash responded to a blog posting written by my wife, Venus Renee Pullin, the President of the San Antonio Aerial Phenomena Research Organization. Her article focused on some recent promotional claims being made by the Mutual UFO Network, claims that are unfounded and completely unsubstantiated. Claims that are chock full of pure, steamy excrement. During the course of my wife's article, the importance of intense scientific examination and consideration is made clear, along with the importance of the peer review process and the transparen

The Proof is Out There? Prove it MUFON!

Greetings. The Mutual UFO Network. The most successful UFO investigative organization on the planet. If you believe that prior statement, I have a live Dimetrodon to sell you, with an accompaniment of Trilobites for your backyard pool. MUFON is the running joke of the UFO subculture, and that is saying quite a bit considering the current amateurish state of the UFO field, its religion, mythology, and legions of cult followers.  The "organization" continually produces a plethora of merchandise, all for the consumption of the suckers who follow along like a whipped teenage boy being led around by his nose or other unmentionables. Caps, mugs, videos, clothing, stickers, lanyards, mousepads and a whole slew of books and documentaries. So much merchandise that one might erroneously believe that Richard Dolan is running the organization's promotional operation.  The focus of this particular blog posting are the organization's documentaries. Whilst well produced and possessi

Turns out the Bridges Aren't Burned After all, the SCU/MUFON Connection.

Greetings. The Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies, formed only a few short years ago, touted itself as data-driven investigative organization, dedicated to a legitimate investigative examination of the UFO problem. The feeling at the time was that the SCU was an alternative to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and the latter organization's penchant for selling merchandise, lack of legitimate investigations, and the shameless and sensationalized promotion of the UFO phenomenon. Led by Rich Hoffman and Robert Powell, two men who spent decades working for the Mutual UFO Network in various capacities, the SCU began holding conferences in 2019, their annual Scientific Conference on Anomalous Aerospace Phenomena (AAPC,) hosting guest speakers and presenting lectures on the UFO issue. All seemed quiet on the ufological front, but all was not what it seemed.  As it turns out, members of the SCU's Board of Directors and Founding Contributers are still members of MUFON, even active partic

The Self-Perpetuating Ufological Echo Chamber.

Greetings. The UFO subject is worthy of scientific examination. The late Carl Sagan said as much, and the topic remains worthy of legitimate scientific scrutiny. Such an exploratory effort, as with all other investigative exercises, will uncover different conclusions depending on the availability of tangible evidence, valid documentation, and accurate information. Some explanations will be mundane in nature, while others may be less so. Some explanations will confirm previously held beliefs and opinions, with many others being completely contrary to pre-conceived biases and positions. Such is the situation as it pertains to investigations, regardless of the subject matter being considered.  When it comes to the UFO phenomenon, the situation is substantially different, and I am trying to be kind (which goes against my nature.) Objective investigative examinations the UFO problem are rarely undertaken, with the number of credible archivists, researchers, and investigators being comparabl

How About Some Transparency Mr. Coulthart.

Greetings. Ross Coulthart. The name strikes fear, loathing, and laughter to many in the UFO subculture and the broadcast journalism community. His violent rhetoric is well-known to those who pay attention to such abhorrent statements, and to the board members of the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies, the organization that invited Mr. Coulthart to appear as the keynote speaker for their recent Anomalous Aerospace Phenomena Conference.  As with all individuals who can't seem to police their own counterproductive statements, Mr. Coulthart has continued to lay down additional sedimentary layers of excrement whenever humanly possible. A recent edition of the program "Need to Know," co-hosted by Mr. Coulthart and Mr. Bryce Zabel, offered a golden opportunity to make some completely unsubstantiated statements, with both gentlemen contributing to the steamy pile of unfounded crap. About six minutes into the program, during the course of discussing the Kennedy administration

UFOs in Print Media.

 Greetings. Newspaper headlines about UFOs.  Prior to the advent of the Internet and social media, the general public received its news in two primary ways; on the television and via print media, newspapers. Headlines about UFOs were not that uncommon, especially when a major sighting came to the attention of the authorities. The Roswell event of July 1947 made the newspapers for a short time before disappearing. The Washington Nationals events from the summer of 1952 made the front pages of major newspapers all across the nation. Socorro, Dexter/Hillsdale, and of course, Rendlesham Forest across the pond. All these aforementioned cases and many others made the news after their initial reporting to local authorities.  Now the situation has changed dramatically. Most newspapers are struggling mightily to keep their financial heads above water, with many print outlets having gone the way of the Passenger Pigeon, into extinction. The continuing decline in the numbers of newspapers in oper

The Grusch Distractions.

Greetings. Whistleblowers. People who claim to have information that supports a possibility that many in the UFO subculture have always passed judgment on; alien visitation.  UFO history is chock full of such people, all of whom have made completely unsubstantiated declarations about what they themselves claim to have witnessed, or what they claim to have heard from others who eternally remain unnamed. As we look back on past decades, we can plainly see that none of the claims made by these various whistleblowers has ever been substantiated, with not a shred of proof, evidence, or documentation having been produced or uncovered by independent archivists or researchers. Such episodes have occurred on innumerable occasions, and likely will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.  David Charles Grusch is the star of the latest episode, and as before, his second-hand, recycled claims are void of merit and reside comfortably in the unproven bin. Besides the investigative efforts being