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The Self-Perpetuating Ufological Echo Chamber.

Greetings. The UFO subject is worthy of scientific examination. The late Carl Sagan said as much, and the topic remains worthy of legitimate scientific scrutiny. Such an exploratory effort, as with all other investigative exercises, will uncover different conclusions depending on the availability of tangible evidence, valid documentation, and accurate information. Some explanations will be mundane in nature, while others may be less so. Some explanations will confirm previously held beliefs and opinions, with many others being completely contrary to pre-conceived biases and positions. Such is the situation as it pertains to investigations, regardless of the subject matter being considered. 

When it comes to the UFO phenomenon, the situation is substantially different, and I am trying to be kind (which goes against my nature.) Objective investigative examinations the UFO problem are rarely undertaken, with the number of credible archivists, researchers, and investigators being comparable the world population of African Black Rhinoceroses. All humans hold some level of subjective bias, but credible workers in the UFO field are able to follow the evidence to its logical conclusion, regardless where that judgment lands on the explanation table. The majority of UFO investigators don't adhere to such a firm standard, which speaks to their lack of professional integrity, but a few do. The black rhinos of ufology; Jeff Knox, Jack Brewer, David Marler, Erica Lukes, Steve Long, Jan Aldrich, Venus Pullin, Kevin Randle, James Clarkson, Barry Greenwood, and a few others that escape my sketchy memory as of this writing proudly fly the flag of credibility and professional integrity in the UFO research community. They are all deserving of our full support and accolades. 

As opposed to objective discussions about the UFO problem, the subculture is locked inside a self-perpetuating echo chamber, and the key has been thrown down the UFO rabbithole, never to be seen again. On a recent edition of Jimmy Church's "Fade to Black," several "researchers" of the topic talked about UFOs at length. Did any of them discuss historical hoaxes? No. Did any of them offer up possibilities that are not extraterrestrial, or non-terrestrial in nature? No. Did any of them produce the results of their "investigations?" No. Are you sensing a pattern? Who were the aforementioned "researchers?" Jason Quitt, Billy Carson, Scott Wolter, Danny Sheehan, Richard Dolan, Christina Gomez, Whitley Strieber, and one of the sacred cows of ufology, Linda Moulton Howe. The show was reminiscent of the vast majority of other shows, lectures, and presentations; completely subjective, close-minded echo chambers totally void of proof or evidence. If there was just a bit more misinformation or unsubstantiated nonsense, I would have thought I was listening to Dave Scott's contemptible "Spaced Out Radio." The bullshit meter is on full tilt in the UFO subculture. 

Are alleged UFO witnesses innocent bystanders? Absolutely not, for they eagerly devour the nonsensical content without blinking an eye. They are locked inside the very same echo chamber, and wouldn't have it any other way. Everything is alien. Nothing is ever hoaxed or misidentifed. All witness testimonials are accepted at face value and embraced as true. Red flags are ignored. Questions are never asked. People who are cautious and skeptical are vilified and subject to character assassinations. I myself have had the opportunity to be called many less-than-polite names, although it must be stated that a few of the labels thrown in my direction are completely accurate. If someone yells out "Asshole!" or "Skeptic!" my response is always "Yes? May I help you?" In my decades exploring the UFO problem, I have never heard a UFO witness say "I think I misidentifed a drone or a star, nothing alien happened." What I do hear are versions of the following declarations, "I know what I saw," "I saw a UFO, an alien spacecraft," or "I witnessed something I can't explain, so it must be aliens." How the hell does one say they witnessed a UFO, an unidentified flying object, then declare that what they saw was something extraterrestrial. It boggles the mind. With so many people making such illogical statements, it places our species' intellectual capabilities firmly in doubt. Scientists are continually searching for intelligent life in the universe, but is intelligent life here on the Earth? Absolutely, but when it comes to Homo sapiens, the jury is out. 

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


  1. When I started on Twitter I was open minded and really wanted to hear what others had to say. I thought it would be adults discussing serious research. I got to know a lot of the big names had conversations with them but the more I gathered the more sceptic I became. It’s like watching them climb the ladder to have that moment of fame. It’s name calling if you disagree and no one is open to any other explanation except yup it’s UFO and government knows it! So buy my book I have the truth cos I worked for the government come to our seminar! Buy tickets! It’s all shite in my opinion I’m pretty sure when Aliens show up there will be no mistake as to what they are. Meanwhile it’s pure entertainment!

    1. You have perfectly captured some of the most troubling aspects of the current situation in the UFO subculture. Sincerest thanks for your comment.


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