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Showing posts from April, 2024

The Commonality of Lying.

Greetings. The decades long history of the UFO topic features a substantial number of people who have been shown to be promoters of lies, disinformation, and misinformation. The list is long and sordid.  Richard Doty, pictured above, is perhaps the best-known liar in UFO circles, but Mr. Doty is certainly not the only member of the infamous liars club, with David Adair, Bob Lazar, and Corey Goode being card-carrying members. The late Clifford Earl Stone (January 2, 1949-February 10, 2021) was another charter member of the infamous liars club. Clifford Stone served honorably in the United States Army for over 20 years as an Administrative/Legal Specialist. He served during the Vietnam War and was stationed at multiple military installations including; Fort Bliss, Fort Campbell, Hanau, Keesler AFB, and New Mexico Military Institute. During that time he received the following medals and awards: M16 Expert Badge, Overseas Service Ribbon with Bars, Meritorious Unit Citation, Republic of Vi

The UFO Subculture's Inaptitude.

Greetings. The UFO subculture. A loosely connected conglomeration of people; all with their own motivations, some grounded and searching for answers, some looking for notoriety and financial gain. One troubling aspect of the subculture is its penchant for abandoning the effort to critically think about the UFO problem and the possibilities it places on the investigative table. The process of investigation demands a high level of objectivity, a strict adherence to an approach which holds critical thinking above all other courses of action. Is this standard embraced by the masses in the UFO subculture? Most often, it is not, in fact, it is often vilified or made light of. While there are some highly dedicated and professional people involved in exploring and investigating the UFO problem, they are not the majority, not by a long shot. Jack Brewer, Barry Greenwood, David Marler, Kevin Randle, James Clarkson, John Greenewald, among many less well-known researchers, have kept their focus sq

Have Any Answers Been Found?

Greetings. The UFO problem has challenged the human species for many decades now. Questions abound, but have any answers been found? What do we know about unidentified flying objects? Nothing really. We don't know if any UFOs are examples of non-terrestrial intelligences visiting the Earth. While certainly a possibility that cannot be discounted out of hand, we simply don't know. If we choose to make that jump, and make the unsubstantiated assumption that some form of visitation has indeed occurred, do we know the motivations of any of the potential visitors? Do we know how they made the journey to Earth? Do we know the reason(s) why they decided to undertake such a herculean journey? No, we don't know.  Do we know if any potential visitors have traveled across normal space, using spacecraft? The universe's physical laws strongly suggest no, so other possibilities can be, and should be considered. Are we being visited by time travelers, or multidimensional visitors? Aga

Ad Hominem, UFO Style.

Greetings. The effort to write about the UFO problem, and some of the issues, players, and situations involved with the topic can be an "interesting" can of worms to open.  On April 17th, I published a blog posting that addressed a situation in the UFO subculture that has become an integral part of the UFO arena. As usual, I did not pull any punches, so to speak, keeping the article blunt, candid, and straightforward in nature. I shared the article on my Facebook blog platform, on Threads, and on X (Twitter,) with the latter platform framing a long and sordid series of personal attacks and ad hominem comments. I did not bother to respond to any of the noise, and I stand by my statements. Period.  The fact that I received so many comments speaks volumes about the subject of the article and the parties that made the decision to leave such content behind. I have always found such commentary revealing, and I only occasionally make the effort to respond to the people involved. It

Keyboard Subject Matter Experts.

Greetings. The UFO subculture has a thriving population of subject matter experts, people who claim to know answers to the UFO problem, people who label themselves as researchers despite having never publicly shared any peer reviewed papers or investigative results. Let's take a look at the "field." People who claim to know are as common as a cockroach in a Chinese restaurant. They constantly declare that they have answers, or have experienced direct interactions with extraterrestrials, entities, or space brothers. (Evidently there are no space sisters.) They talk a good game, but their games have nothing of substance, nothing tangible to support their rhetoric. Without such supporting information, the door is left wide open for anyone who wishes to open a Facebook account, or an account on X (Twitter,) to label themselves as they see fit, and with some quality networking, become established as a player in the UFO game. Prior to the arrival of the Internet, people in the

Christopher Mellon. Ignorant.

Greetings. Christopher K. Mellon. The name is familiar to anyone who holds an interest in unidentified flying objects.  Mr. Mellon is a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence for the William J. Clinton and George W. Bush administrations. Mr. Mellon also served as the Staff Director of the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. His lengthy work record and duties are contained within the public record.  Mr. Mellon has been actively lobbying for the U.S. Government to conduct investigations into the UFO problem for a number of years now. His face and name has become synonymous with the UFO topic, alongside other people of some notoriety. Mr. Mellon has made various public statements about UFOs, some grounded and reasonable, a few being far less so. A statement made on X (Twitter) reeks of ignorance, something which is embarrassing to see. According to his post, dated May 11th of 2021, Mr. Mellon is thankful for the investigative efforts of Jacques Va

Misinformation, Ross Coulthart Style.

Greetings. Mr. Ross Coulthart, who holds a warm and cuddly place in the lap of the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies, went on the air a few short hours ago on NewsNation. The segment focused primarily on the Roswell, New Mexico case from July of 1947.  During the course of the segment, some "quality" misinformation was presented by Mr. Coulthart and NewsNation, in the form of three historical photographs shown while Mr. Coulthart talked about Roswell at length. Putting aside the fact that there are no photographs of the alleged Roswell craft, indeed no photographs of any alien spacecraft whatsoever, the placement of such content has the effect of misinforming the public, making it appear that the photographs on display had some connection with the Roswell case, which they clearly don't. Not exactly quality journalism, but who cares? Rich Hoffman certainly doesn't, nor does the SCU, which remains eerily silent about Mr. Coulthart's recent claims, conduct, and st

Tinfoil Station.

Greetings. Talk. Talk. Talk. That is literally all that happens in the UFO subculture. Nothing of substance, no proof, no evidence. Nothing but claims, promises, and declarations.  Where is the proof? Where is the evidence? There is none. After decades and decades of talk, nothing physical has surfaced to prove the case for alien visitation, or any other theory that posits non-terrestrial, anomalous phenomena. Project Sign, Project Grudge, Project Blue Book, the Condon Committee, and innumerable other "investigative" efforts have come and gone. No proof, no evidence. The National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP,) the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO,) and the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON,) have attempted to investigate the UFO problem. No proof, no evidence. Numerous other organizations in countries around the world have made the same investigative efforts, with the same results. No proof, no evidence.  Despite the lack of proof or evidence, peopl