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The Commonality of Lying.

Greetings. The decades long history of the UFO topic features a substantial number of people who have been shown to be promoters of lies, disinformation, and misinformation. The list is long and sordid. 

Richard Doty, pictured above, is perhaps the best-known liar in UFO circles, but Mr. Doty is certainly not the only member of the infamous liars club, with David Adair, Bob Lazar, and Corey Goode being card-carrying members.

The late Clifford Earl Stone (January 2, 1949-February 10, 2021) was another charter member of the infamous liars club. Clifford Stone served honorably in the United States Army for over 20 years as an Administrative/Legal Specialist. He served during the Vietnam War and was stationed at multiple military installations including; Fort Bliss, Fort Campbell, Hanau, Keesler AFB, and New Mexico Military Institute. During that time he received the following medals and awards: M16 Expert Badge, Overseas Service Ribbon with Bars, Meritorious Unit Citation, Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross Unit Citation with Palm, Noncommissioned Officers Professional Development Ribbon, National Defense Service Medal, Army Good Conduct Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Bronze Star Medal, and the Meritorious Service Medal. His military service to the United States is substantiated, his UFO claims are another matter altogether. 

As it pertains to the UFO topic, Mr. Stone consistently made completely unsubstantiated claims and declarations, all completely void of any corroborating proof or documentary evidence. Claims of over forty extraterrestrial species visiting the planet, claims of being directly involved in crash/retrieval programs and field operations, etc, etc, etc.... No proof. No evidence. Does it ever occur to anyone in the UFO subculture that when an individual releases allegedly secret information to the general public, that same person is violating their oath of secrecy? Beyond the legal and moral ramifications of Mr. Stone's choices, why was he never prosecuted for breaking his oath? Perhaps because he was under no such legal obligation. Perhaps because his claims were all false. Perhaps because he lied. The UFO subculture believed and continues to believe Mr. Stone's unsubstantiated claims as if they were set in stone, verified and proven justifiable by evidence. Unfortunately, Mr. Stone never proved his claims by producing evidence, a fact which does not matter to the amateurishly dense sheep in the UFO subculture, including some "researchers." Typical. 

Now we have David Charles Grusch. Recently released documentation, acquired through the Freedom of Information Act thanks to the herculean efforts of John Greenewald Jr., has definitively shown that Mr. Grusch has made some public statements that are simply untrue, which places the remainder of his recycled, second-hand claims under a thundercloud of suspicion. As it turns out, Mr. Grusch made false statements, under oath, during the U.S. Congressional hearings on UAPs last summer, and has made false claims about his alleged interactions with AARO and Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick. That has to be troubing, but likely not to the less credible players in the UFO arena. Just yesterday evening, John Greenewald Jr. broadcast a lengthy and meticulous video examination of the entire situation as it pertains to the inaccurate statements made by Mr. Grusch. I strongly encourage my readers to take in all the information, it speaks volumes. The link to the program is available at

All this misrepresentation, all these unsubstantiated claims, all these untruths, all these lies. It muddies the UFO waters, and that is to the detriment of the entire UFO research community. 

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


  1. I'm not sure we should consider Bob Lazar to have been caught out lying.


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