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Have Any Answers Been Found?

Greetings. The UFO problem has challenged the human species for many decades now. Questions abound, but have any answers been found?

What do we know about unidentified flying objects? Nothing really. We don't know if any UFOs are examples of non-terrestrial intelligences visiting the Earth. While certainly a possibility that cannot be discounted out of hand, we simply don't know. If we choose to make that jump, and make the unsubstantiated assumption that some form of visitation has indeed occurred, do we know the motivations of any of the potential visitors? Do we know how they made the journey to Earth? Do we know the reason(s) why they decided to undertake such a herculean journey? No, we don't know. 

Do we know if any potential visitors have traveled across normal space, using spacecraft? The universe's physical laws strongly suggest no, so other possibilities can be, and should be considered. Are we being visited by time travelers, or multidimensional visitors? Again, we don't know. We don't even know if we have not been visited at all, by any advanced intelligent species, from anywhere, or any "when" else. Meandering beyond the physical towards the less tangible, what are the reasons behind alien abductions? Do we even know that abductions have actually happened? If so, why? Why abduct representatives of homo sapiens? For what purpose or purposes? We simply don't know. 

If this rambling blog posting reminds you of "Chariots of the Gods," the 1968 publication that was chock full of unanswered questions about the ancient alien hypothesis, I sincerely apologize for my ufological indiscretion. I am not attempting to make any sort of connection with that particular book, or its ideas, opinions, and speculations. What I am doing is attempting to find questions that have been answered to a satisfactory degree. I have found nothing of the sort, and that speaks volumes about the difficulty of the problem at hand, the challenges that lie ahead, and the lack of investigative focus on display by many charter members of the UFO subculture. 

Will we ever find definitive answers to the UFO problem? Perhaps, perhaps not. 

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


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