The Pitfalls of Witness Testimonials, Anecdotes at Work.
Greetings. Witness testimonials.
Not always.
Eyewitness testimony, anecdotal information, is historically among the most convincing forms of evidence in criminal procedures. In a majority of situations, only a suspect’s signed confession can further convince a jury about that specific individual’s guilt. The moment when a testifying witness points directly to the defendant as the perpetrator of the alleged crime is iconic, and has been dramatized hundreds of times on television and in motion pictures. We tend to trust our own perceptions and experiences. “I’ll believe it when I see it” isn’t just a historical cliché, it is a statement of the most persuasive form of evidence we allow. Such is the human condition.
Eyewitness testimony is more fallible than many people figure. The arrival of DNA analysis in the late 1980s revolutionized forensic science, providing an unprecedented level of accuracy about the identity of actual perpetrators versus innocent people falsely accused of criminal activity. According to the Innocence Project, 358 people who had been convicted and sentenced to death since 1989 have been exonerated through the use of DNA evidence. Of these, 71% had been convicted through eyewitness misidentification alone and had been incarcerated for an average of 14 years before their eventual exoneration. Of those false identifications, 41% involved cross-racial misidentifications, with 28% of the cases involving a false confession.
The belief that anecdotal eyewitness testimony is reliable and accurate is scientifically testable, with subsequent research demonstrating that eyewitness identification is extremely vulnerable to distortion without the witness' awareness. Specifically, the assumption that memory provides an accurate recording of experience, much like a video camera, is woefully incorrect. Memory evolved to give us a personal sense of identity and to guide our individual actions. Human beings are biased to notice and exaggerate some experiences and to minimize or overlook others. Memory is malleable. Period.
"No matter what eyewitness testimony is in the court of law, it is the lowest form of evidence in the court of science." Neil deGrasse Tyson Ph.D.
I posted the abovementioned quote on X (Twitter) just yesterday evening. The following series of comments were left behind, and speak volumes:
"Unfortunately for Neil, pop science is the lowest form of contribution in the realm of science."
"Not everything can be studied empirically. Especially, y’know, a higher order, non-human intelligence who clearly has an interest in keeping their presence largely unknown among the human populace. You didn’t acknowledge that part, though. Guess they’re just lab rats."
"Eyewitness testimony is relied upon not only in court of law but also intelligence gathering (HUMINT). Perhaps when we realize the NHI are more like criminals or rogue state actors rather than specimens for us to observe in a lab as we please, we can get closer to the truth."
"The best data in existence is classified. We’re operating in a low information zone, hence why considering experiencer testimony is necessary. Bring up the NDT quote again when we don’t have a MIC gatekeeping fundamental info about the universe for natsec/to line their pockets."
"Both can be utilized to discover truth in scenarios where the scientific method isn’t applicable or falls apart. Not all truth is derived from the scientific method."
Not all truth, whatever that means, is derived from the scientific method? Sheer stupidity. Non-human intelligences are a reality? When was that confirmed, and why have no Nobel Prizes been handed out? Provide the evidence, put up or shut up! Anecdotal information is utilized in courts of law, and to intelligence gathering operations, however those fields are not science, and don't strictly adhere to the scientific method. Period.
If we cannot draw the proper conclusions from witness testimonials, which are purely anecdotes and nothing more, then our species will always reside in a self-made prison of ignorance and rampant stupidity.
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