Get it Together Witnesses!

Greetings. Interacting with people online can be a total waste of time, often times otherwise. It all depends on the situation, and all too often, on the grammatical capabilities of the person across the keyboard. What do I mean? Well, time for a rant....

If I had a dollar for every time I have had the "privilege" of interacting with a grammatically challenged person, I would have already bought out MUFON, and immediately thrown the immoral organization into a trash bin, never to be seen or heard from again. Some, certainly not all, but some people just cannot spell, cannot accurately communicate their thoughts in a written form, and seemingly are unable to use the English language in a proper and productive manner. Such interactions make it impossible to grasp the thoughts of the opposing person, which makes the entire exercise an operation in futility. 


I have often called out, or inquired about the grammatical issues at play, which almost always motivates the offending person to send some abhorrently written attacks in my direction. It makes one wonder how in the hell they manage to communicate with others in person, in face to face situations. Do they sound like morons? Do they just push through and get by sounding like a less educated version of Ozzy Osborne? I can only imagine. 


Social media has provided us with platforms to communicate with each other, which on the surface would seem to be a positive thing, but that is working under the assumption that everyone online has a basic knowledge of how to utilize the English language correctly and properly. We should not make that particular assumption. As it pertains to the UFO problem, since the collection of witness testimonials is of paramount importance, it would behoove alleged witnesses to use the English language correctly. Details are important, obviously, so witnesses should be as precise as humanly possible, not sloppy or general, but unambiguous so that UFO investigators can get the facts straight. Don't witness want their stories to be collected, archived, and told in a clear-cut way? I would think so, so use the English language correctly! It is not that frigging hard! Or perhaps it is for some alleged witnesses. 


When examining any topic, any subject matter, any unexplained, unanswered problem, explicit information is essential. Period. There is no wiggle room. Albert Einstein, Richard Feynman, Stephen Hawking, and Isaac Newton did not use inaccurate or incomplete information when undertaking their scientific endeavors. Law enforcement officers have to consistently swim through a quagmire of unacceptable information, painfully inaccurate or just completely nonsensical, all thanks to the repugnant communication skills possessed by many people in the general population. It boggles the mind to consider how highly the cards are stacked against credible investigators, again, thanks to some alleged witnesses. 

Use the English language properly! Get it together! It is not that hard, and it is important! 

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


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