A Time to be Thankful.
Greetings. As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches here in the United States, I think it is an appropriate time to give thanks to the people who have given so much of themselves, even if they have been unwittingly doing so.
First and foremost, I want to extend a heartfelt thanks to all of my readers. Your support is greatly appreciated, your comments are a constant source of inspiration, and your points of view provide strong motivation for professional consideration and reassessment. Thank you!
I want to thank Mr. Frank Kimbler, Mr. Dennis Balthasar, Mr. Kevin Randle, and Mr. Donald Schmitt. Friends all, possessing of personal kindness and thoughtfulness, professional focus and integrity. The times I spend in Roswell with these gentlemen, and they are all gentlemen, are far too fleeting, but are always emotionally and professionally satisfying. Thank you!
I want to thank Erica Lukes and Jack Brewer of Expanding Frontiers Research for providing me a warm and welcoming place to interact with people who hold the same skeptical, measured, and reasonable positions about a wide range of topics, including the UFO problem. Their organization is a worthwhile endeavor, and worthy of our full support. Thank you!
I want to extend special thanks to Art Rayon, James Roets, Liz Francis, Stella Bell, Everett Themer, and Lindsay Bishop for supporting my efforts, and for challenging my own conclusions. I am inspired by you all, and somewhat lost when deprived of your insights. Thank you!
Last but certainly not least, I want to thank Venus Miranda, the President of the San Antonio Aerial Phenomena Research Organization. Her intellectual prowess and argumentative skills are not to be taken lightly. Thanks to her, I have become painfully aware of my own personal ignorance and of my professional faults, issues and shortcomings. Thank you!
Expanding Frontiers Research is available at https://www.expandingfrontiersresearch.org/
The San Antonio Aerial Phenomena Research Organization is available at https://www.facebook.com/sanantonioaerialphenomenaresearchorganization?mibextid=ZbWKwL
Thank you all for everything!
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