
Greetings. Alien abduction. Perhaps the most terrifying aspect of the UFO mythology. 

The scenario refers to the phenomenon of people reporting what they believe to be the real experience of being physically kidnapped by aliens and subsequently put through a series of traumatizing physical and psychological examinations. Individuals claiming to have been abducted normally call themselves "abductees"or "experiencers." The vast majority of reputable scientists and mental health professionals offer false memory syndrome, sleep paralysis, deception, and psychopathology as likely explanations for the reported phenomenon. The possibility of contact with non-terrestrial intelligences is not considered. 

The typical set of claims and testimonials involve forced medical examinations that tend to focus on the particular individual's reproductive systems. Some alleged abductees have claimed to have been warned against environmental destruction and the dangers of nuclear warfare. Some alleged abductees have even declared that they have engaged in sexual activity with their abductors, for the purpose of interspecies breeding. Alleged abductees tend to have differences in their testimonials depending on their individual racial and societal backgrounds. 

Reports of the abduction phenomenon have been made all around the world, with the majority originating in English-speaking countries. The first alleged alien abduction claim to be widely publicized was the Betty and Barney Hill, pictured above, abduction from September of 1961. The total number of abduction claims has declined somewhat since their initial surge in the mid-1970s, with the enigma's narratives and rhetoric becoming less popular in mainstream media circles. Even within the confines of the UFO subculture the alien abduction enigma has become boring, free of uniqueness or anything exceptional due to its commonality.

Harvard researchers have found that alleged abductees experience forceful physiological reactions to the memories of their alleged encounters, in a manner similar to those of people who have experienced combat or other traumatizing occurrences. Some people in the UFO subculture who believe in the alien abduction enigma claim that photographs of unidentified flying objects, undetermined marks on the bodies of alleged abductees, or x-rays of alleged alien nasal implants are physical evidence of the phenomenon. However, there is no single, independently confirmed piece of scientific evidence that has been determined to be non-terrestrial, or extraterrestrial in origin. Not surprising. 

For alleged abductees, as with many others on the UFO field of dreams, fame and notoriety can be had, if one makes the decision to pursue the ufological gold at the end of the unsubstantiated rainbow. Mr. Travis Walton is perhaps the best-known alleged abductee/alien abduction celebrity; highly active and embraced by his faithful followers despite having produced no evidence to support his abduction tale. When making appearances at UFO festivals, Mr. Walton is always inundated with requests for time, autographs, and/or merchandise, of which he has copious amounts to sell to the willing. Not surprising.

So what can we deduce from the claims of alleged alien abductees? Not much, for there is no proof or evidence of anything anomalous having taken place, which leaves us with the stories. Anecdotal, fascinating, and suggestive of highly imaginative minds. Is the abduction phenomenon are reality? Perhaps only the aliens know for sure, and they aren't talking. 

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


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