Evidence? Prove it Mr. Sims.

Greetings. Derrel Sims, otherwise known in UFO circles as "The Alien Hunter." 

Mr. Sims has consistently made claims of having recovered evidence of alien visitation, specifically in the form of implants left behind in the bodies of alleged abductees. Unfortunately, Mr. Sims has not provided any documents that demonstrate that any scientific examinations have actually been undertaken. None, and it doesn't seem to occur to anyone in the UFO subculture to ask for them. Why? I haven't the foggiest idea. Perhaps the UFO crowds are simply dense, or they just don't care, or they are willing to believe anything that comes out of any celebrity's mouth, or worse, all of the above. Talk is cheap, verifiable proof is necessary. If anyone is uncomfortable with that reasonable standard, then their intelligence and integrity should be questioned. 

"●The lab should be a certified and licensed lab for the tests that are to be done.

●It must have performed those tests often and on many different materials so that direct comparisons with 'conventional' materials are feasible. 

●The lab must be willing to sign off on test results with a full description of the techniques and equipment used, the standards employed, reproducibility and accuracy, and so on.

●The lab must be willing to maintain a no-release policy on whatever test results are made.

●In advance of testing there must be detailed discussions of destructive and non-destructive tests and what techniques will be used, if necessary, to subdivide the samples. Obviously a destructive test requiring the use of the entire available sample would be foolish.

●A protocol should be worked out in advance as to the sequence of testing. Thus a sample may be used for several non-destructive tests, hardness, density, etc., before being used for a destructive test. Certain test results may suggest a different sequence and new tests." 

The aforementioned quotes appeared in "E-T Artifact Testing," an article that appeared in the December 1993 issue of the MUFON Journal. The article was written by the late Stanton T. Friedman.

One question immediately presents itself: Has Mr. Sims undertaken such a herculean effort to determine the origin of any and all materials that are allegedly in his possession? We don't know, all we have is his word and that is not good enough, not if we are searching for a legitimate investigative examination of the UFO phenomenon and any recovered materials of unknown origin. Mr. Sims might be lying through his teeth, which would be unfortunate but not really surprising if one takes an honest look at the situation. 

All Mr. Sims needs to do are some of the following:
●Name the facilities that conducted the examinations. 
●Name the individuals who conducted the tests. 
●Produce the investigative results, the investigative reports for public scrutiny. 
●Openly share all the information and all documentation for public scrutiny and consumption. 

It is a pretty simple set of steps, but it will not happen. Derrel Sims is lying.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


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