Why are Some Acronyms so Difficult for the Public to Understand?

Greetings. UFO. No other acronym has escaped firm understanding by the general public as the one meaning unidentified flying object. Even members of the UFO research community are guilty of using the acronym in an inappropriate manner, which can be as damaging as the usage common to the UFO subculture and the public at large.

It goes without saying that the acronym UFO means unidentified flying object, and nothing else. Unfortunately, as the decades have passed, the acronym has come to be directly associated with anything and everything alien or extraterrestrial. Anyone on the planet is capable of witnessing a UFO, if they are inept enough at observing their immediate surroundings. UFOs can be any of the following; birds, stars, comets, clouds, drones, meteors, balloons, satellites, civilian aircraft, military aircraft, weather phenomena, bugs on a windshield, naturally occurring extraterrestrial phenomena, and of importance to the majority of the human race, alien spacecraft. The vast majority of UFO sightings are explained by mundane phenomena, with only a small percentage of reports remaining unexplained after investigative scrutinization. That is not my opinion, that has been the professional conclusion of independent researchers and investigators for decades, a position that has not changed in the slightest. 

In the eyes of the public, UFOs are alien spacecraft, which is a completely illogical and indefensible point of view. Why? The acronym UFO is by definition an unidentified flying object, which obviously means that the individual making the observation is unable to identify what they are witnessing. As a direct result, that same person cannot then turn around and label what they themselves could not identify as anything specific, much less anything definitely extraterrestrial. Such a course of action happens all the time, with alleged UFO witnesses closing their minds to any other explanation except the extraterrestrial. Ask any credible field investigator, they will tell you about how close-minded alleged witnesses are. 

The current situation has been the status quo for several decades now, and it will likely never change. UFOs will continue to be seen and discussed as if they are alien spacecraft, despite the complete lack of physical evidence to support that particular conclusion. The UFO entertainment industry will continue to embrace and promote the inappropriate usage of the acronym, misinforming the masses all the while. UFO celebrities will keep using the acronym to sensationalize the topic, all in an effort to keep themselves in the limelight, with merchandise sales staying in lockstep with the effort. However, the fault for the current situation lies squarely at the feet of the UFO subculture and all its members. There is no excuse for ignorance, nor is there any excuse for the inappropriate use of the English language, or any other dialect for that matter.

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


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