Intelligent Life in Roswell, with Nine Exceptions.

Greetings. The observational skills displayed by many members of the human race can often be keen and quite impressive, however, some members of the human species have left their skills behind, never to be recovered. 

Just this past Sunday, I had the opportunity to attend a lecture being given by Kevin D. Randle in Roswell, New Mexico. The lecture was scheduled for 10:00am local time and was to be held inside the North Library of the International UFO Museum and Research Center. As the time approached, I meandered to the library and tried the front doors, finding them locked. The were no other attendees in the vicinity, which was to be expected since I arrived 20 minutes early to ensure a front row seat. 

As I patiently waited, other attendees began to arrive, all staying close to the library's front doors. In the course of the twenty minutes before the lecture's scheduled starting time, fully sixteen people gathered in the immediate area, all eagerly anticipating a dispassionate discussion about historical UFO cases courtesy of Kevin D. Randle. All eagerly waiting for the library's front doors to open. A few minutes before 10:00am, Kevin came out to join the attendees to interact and socialize in the early morning Roswell sun. None of the people tried the library's doors, which was a logical course of action, however, the situation was soon to change in a hilarious and somewhat troubling manner. We were all about to be joined by some other people of note, and now we arrive at the focus of this particular blog posting. 

Nine other attendees gradually joined the crowd awaiting the opening of the library's front doors, but these particular individuals all made their way to the front doors, cutting in line, and pushing through the crowd, all in an ill-fated attempt to open the doors in question. Not a single one of these nine special mammals connected the dots and drew the logical conclusion that the doors were locked. They did not seem to take any notice of the crowd waiting to go inside the venue, a crowd which would not have gathered if in fact, the library's front doors were open. When a venue's doors are open, attendees tend to not stay outside, particularly in hot, sunny conditions. They tend to go through the open doors, all in an effort to get a good seat for the event being held. To further the situation, one particular male made the following comment after trying to open the doors, and I quote, "I guess the doors are locked." No Einstein there.

As it turns out, some people have horrible observational skills, and don't utilize intellectual thought processes to make determinations as to how to proceed. Yet we are expected to accept their testimonials at face value? Call me cynical, but if people cannot even connect the dots in normal, everyday situations, how are we to expect them to be capable of making keen, accurate observations of less mundane phenomena? 

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


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