What Does the Future Hold?

Greetings. The mystery surrounding unidentified flying objects remains unsolved, but not unsolvable. 

Any examination of the history of the UFO topic demonstrates a few definitive points which cannot be avoided or defeated. 

1. No physical, tangible, falsifiable proof or evidence has been discovered to prove the case for alien visitation, or any other unlikely, non-mundane explanation.

2. Various world governments have not been completely open concerning what they may or may not know about the UFO topic. 

3. Some of those same world governments have not been completely transparent concerning recovered physical evidence they may or may not have in their possession. 

4. The UFO subculture has become its own worst enemy, embracing beliefs and positions that are supported by untrue, invalid, or inaccurate information, and are completely wanting of any valid supportive proof or evidence. 

5. Despite the lack of proof or evidence, there are a few robust, unexplained historical UFO cases that have remained unanswered, even after all these years. 

As we continue forward as a species, the possibilities are endless, with all potentialities at play, even the extreme unlikelihood of alien visitation. What courses of action are logical, or even reasonable to consider? Obviously the embracing of the scientific method is absolutely essential, along with the collection and consideration of valid information, be it physical, anecdotal, or documentary. Legitimate and scientifically minded investigative efforts are the most credible pathways forward, methods that offer the chance for success, rather than the far less credible, sensationalized claims so painfully commonplace in today's UFO environment. 

Speaking of the anecdotal, while vitally important, such information is the least of our worries, since eight-plus decades of stories has led us absolutely nowhere. We need far more than just more stories, regardless of where or from whom they originate. We already have anecdotal testimonials from literally thousands of people, some in positions of power, knowledge, and/or qualification, but it has gotten us no closer to any answers to the UFO problem, not even a microscopic step closer. So it soon becomes crystal clear that what is needed is the physical, the testable, the tangible. 

Can we move the investigative process forward? Absolutely! Will such a monumental transition come to pass? I haven't the foggiest idea, but I certainly hope so, for the UFO problem is worthy of legitimate scientific examination. 

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


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