More Words, Wanting of Proof and Evidence.

Greetings. Words, words, and more words. 

That is what the UFO subculture has to work with in its never-ending attempt to prove the case for alien visitation. In all actuality, the subculture is not attempting anything of the sort, for their collective minds are already made up, with an unshakable faith in the unconfirmed, the unsubstantiated. Claims of alien abduction, alien visitation, and of crash retrievals, recovered non-terrestrial technology, and non-terrestrial organic material have been around for decades now, but where is the evidence? Nowhere, for such evidence has never come to light, but the words keep on meandering down the UFO road. Witness testimonials rule the UFO roost, held in high regard and seen as evidence by a good majority of those in the UFO arena, but is such content evidence? In a word, no. Such content is anecdotal, and nothing more. It amounts to, in the words of the New York Post's Steven Greenstreet, a UFO religion. 

Many UFO people feel that professional credentials equate to a high level of credibility, but that assumption is incorrect. There have always been people in positions of power that have made statements advocating for the reality of alien visitation, but none of those aforementioned statements were ever substantiated by tangible, physical, falsifiable evidence. None. True believers, to paraphrase Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, are not only outside government, some are within government, and their positions convey credibility where there is none deserved. Evidence is what is needed, not more stories, regardless of where they originate. While testimonials are good enough in a court of law, we are not considering a crime of passion, or a financial indiscretion, we are considering a scientific unknown. The scientific method is what should be applied, and when properly adhered to, sees anecdotes as the lowest, least reliable source of information. Black holes, galactic interactions, and gravitational waves were not confirmed in courts of law, the phenomena were confirmed in the scientific arena, utilizing the scientific method. The UFO subculture doesn't understand that reality, and likely never will.

Now we have Mr. Karl E. Nell, a recently retired Army Colonel and current aerospace executive who was the Army’s liaison for the UAP Task Force from 2021 to 2022 and worked with David Charles Grusch in the organization. Mr. Nell characterizes Grusch as “beyond reproach," which was an attempt at adding credibility, but adds no evidence, none whatsoever. Same ol' tired song and dance. Mr. Nell recently made the following statement, and I quote, "So, non-human intelligence exists, non-human intelligence has been interacting with humanity. This interaction is not new, and it's been ongoing, and unelected people in the government are aware of that." More words with no evidence to support them. Par for the UFO course. Bogey.

The link to the interview in question is available at

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


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