Yami Virgin. A "Journalist."

Greetings. Here in the United States, the quality of journalism at play is questionable, often times disconcerting, many times downright embarrassing. Providing accurate and objective information to the public has taken a back seat to subjective commentary and doubling-down behaviors. One such example is Ms. Yami Virgin, a journalist who currently works for KABB-TV, the FOX affiliate in San Antonio, Texas. 

Ms. Virgin posted a video on her Facebook page which garnered quite a number of comments and declarations, some reasonable, many reflective of the critical thinking skills, or lack thereof, of the general public. The video shows a Falcon 9 rocket ascending towards Earth orbit, separating from a booster stage along its flight path. Nothing anomalous. Nothing extraordinary. Nothing extraterrestrial. 

Ms. Virgin began her post with, and I quote, "Omg. Anyone know what this is? Look at the video notice that there are other stars or planes and they do not look foggy like when there’s a lot of humidity but this thing travelled in like a cloud. And all of a sudden a big poof comes out the front of it! It travels in a circular ring forward from it and then a few seconds later, it just disappears.

Alex Garcia

KABB FOX 29 News, San Antonio

News 4 San Antonio







Evidently Ms. Virgin was unable to control her emotions and dispassionately make some observations about what she saw in the Texas sky. The fact that she hashtagged "#alien" places her bias on full display, which is contrary to how a journalist is supposed to conduct his or her self. The comments that appeared on the post were quite a revelation, with some people having reasonable points of view, while others were less than logical in their thought processes and conclusions. A few of the logical examples are as follows....

Chris Suchan, a meteorologist who works for WOAI-TV, the NBC affiliate in San Antonio, Texas, made the following statement, and I quote, "Yami, I'm 99% sure you got video of Falcon 9's launch and separation (ring) this evening. Occurs hundreds of miles above us enabling it to be seen many states away." 

Avery Martinez left the following comment, and I quote, "y’all really see anything in the sky and assume it’s a ufo 😒 wake up this is reality not a sci-fi movie."

Jolina Okazaki, who works for KWES-TV, the NBC affiliate in Midland, Texas, left the following comment, and I quote, "SpaceX! We see those all the time."

Leslie Lamon stated, and I quote, "It’s literally space x they just launched an hour or two ago."

Throughout the entire series of comments, Ms. Virgin continued to double-down, refusing to accept what objective information shows, that the video in question shows a Falcon 9 rocket ascending towards Earth orbit. Her behavior is a prime example of how powerful a bias can be, to the point that even a journalist who is provided accurate information will not accept it due to it being contrary to their belief structure.  

A few other comments are "worthy" of examination, so without further ado....

Stephen Neal stated, and I quote, "It is a Chinese booster rocket from the space station."

Eligio E. Vecchio stated, and I quote, "You just witnessed a worm hole open."


All the aforementioned people should join the SCU or MUFON so they can apply their "skills" to investigating unidentified flying objects, they are just the kind of folk that the UFO subculture needs. Perhaps Ms. Virgin should work as a media consultant, she would fit right in. 

The link that describes the launch of the Falcon 9 rocket is available at https://spaceflightnow.com/2024/03/25/live-coverage-spacex-to-launch-23-starlink-satellites-aboard-a-falcon-9-rocket-from-cape-canaveral/

The link to the video in question, and it's attached comments is available at https://www.facebook.com/share/v/h9fGZKpMdPaG6qM3/?mibextid=ZbWKwL

Thank you for your time and indulgence. 


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