Taking Account in the UFO Mirror.

Greetings. Self-examination. Taking account of one's own belief structures and positions. An effort that is "alien" to many in the UFO subculture. Pun intended. 

Human beings are by definition, biased, error-prone, subjective, bipedal mammals. We are all guilty of being biased to a certain extent, with true objectivity almost an unattainable goal to aspire to. We all are guilty of not honestly examining our own beliefs, at least not as often as we should. None of us are perfect animals, despite what some might think of themselves. I am one such imperfect, error-prone mammal.

Confirmation is the sole motivation for many in the UFO world, with grounded, objective, scientifically-minded looks at data sets and information being thrown away like a spent cigarette on the streets of Roswell, New Mexico. The recently released AARO report put that situation on full display. The reactions to the report and its final conclusions were not unexpected. The fact that no evidence has come to light to prove that alien visitation has occurred is not something the UFO subculture wants to hear, so any conclusion that does not confirm that religious belief is fair game for attacks, at least in the eyes of many in the UFO world. While the AARO report does have its fair share of historical inaccuracies, something it shares with the vast majority of UFO publications, the report's final conclusions are correct and accurately reflect the situation. Any credible UFO researcher would agree, unless that person has proof and evidence to the contrary. Unfortunately....

My own positions concerning the report, its conclusions, and Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, have motivated many UFO people to make derogatory comments about yours truly, particularly on X (Twitter.) Such is par for the extraterrestrial course, and certainly not out of the ordinary. I simply add the names to the extensive list I have compiled over the past couple of decades; all laughable, some accurate, many completely incorrect and embarrassingly amateurish. During the course of interactions, I have always found that when an individual resorts to name-calling or character assassination, the argument has been won. Such rhetoric is not logical, and it reeks of a painful level of ignorance and incomprehension concerning the topic at hand. Unfortunately, such rhetoric has become more and more commonplace in today's social media driven environment, with the current state of affairs exceedingly detrimental to the attempt to consider undetermined possibilities. Despite the negative pushback, it is quite enjoyable reading the comments of the "keyboard warriors" in the UFO subculture, and there is a thriving population of them to be sure. 

Once again, no proof is provided, no evidence is produced, just more credulous claims and unsubstantiated declarations. The UFO religion and its entrenched belief structures. 

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


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