Upsetting? Deal with the Necessary Issues.

Greetings. Why are some people unwilling to be uncomfortable? Why are some individuals not willing to entertain other points of view? I have no idea, but it is a topic that should be delved into. Off we go again....

The comments left behind on my blog platform on Facebook are always interesting, whether or not I agree with my readers' opinion. I count myself extremely lucky to have so many intelligent and thoughtful people reading and commenting on my blog writeups. Their contributions are a consistent source of inspiration, and I am always learning with them, and from them.

The December 1st blog I wrote on this platform about the recent activities of Mr. Richard Dolan, entitled "Dolan and the Spotlight," the link available at, collected quite a number of comments after I shared it on my Facebook platform. A couple of noteworthy comments were left by Mr. Shawn Porter, pictured above. His first comment reads as follows, and I quote: "Get with it. It just came out that there is new evidence in this case. Don’t jump on someone without knowing all the information, which you obviously don’t. Check it first. I’m really getting tired of this skepticism without even checking things out first." 

Mr. Porter's second comment reads as follows, and I quote: "You didn’t bother to check out why he is doing this. There has been some new developments in this specific case which is why he is doing this again. He is checking out this new information. It is really annoying the way people talk here." Putting aside the fact that Mr. Porter made the erroneous assumption that I did not thoroughly check out all the available information, the gentleman seemed, by his own words, "tired" and "annoyed." That demands a reasonable question: 

If Mr. Porter is tired and annoyed, then why the hell is he still reading my content?? 

Moving past the embarrassingly ignorant, the process of learning involves considering other points of view, information contrary to one's own belief structures, and the consideration of possibilities that on the surface seem unlikely but in reality may bear some fruit. Unanswered questions should be openly discussed, ideas should be offered and examined, and all parties involved should be pliable enough to change their minds depending on the available information. That is the learning process. Now admittedly that endeavor can make some uncomfortable, but that is not of any importance, the search for answers and knowledge is, and it should be the only goal.

Whether one is attempting to learn more about the UFO problem, or geopolitical history, or the workings of various world governments, the process holds firm. Since nobody has ever known everything there is to know about anything, we all should embrace the wonderful chance to learn about each other, the world we live in, and the universe around us. Curiosity is a part of the human condition, and we should not fail to embrace it, and the opportunities it presents. 

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


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