Dolan and the Spotlight.

Greetings. The lure of the spotlight, of celebrity, of fame and notoriety is powerful. It has led many a researcher away from legitimate work and into the clutches of the UFO entertainment industry. Richard Dolan seems to be going down that nauseating road. 

Richard Dolan was once one of the most well-respected researchers of the UFO problem on the planet. Mr. Dolan's work was once meticulous and dispassionate (to borrow a term from my friend Kevin Randle,) squarely focused on the valid, the provable, and the defensible. Now that has begun to slowly transform. 

A posting from November 31st on his Facebook account advertised his program's newest edition, with the post reading as follows, and I quote:

"Revisiting the Alien Interview Video | Richard Dolan Show

Join Richard Dolan and special guest Jon Stewart as they delve into one of the most controversial videos in the history of ufology - the infamous alien interview video. Allegedly recorded in 1991 and released in 1997, this video has sparked debates and theories among ufologists and skeptics alike. 

Jon, a former professional wrestler and congressional candidate, has spent years meticulously researching this video, seeking the truth behind the enigmatic footage. In this riveting discussion, they explore the intriguing backstory, the mysterious figures involved, and the potential implications of this video. 

Whether you're a seasoned ufologist or new to the field, this deep dive into one of ufology's most contentious pieces of evidence is sure to captivate. Tune in as they unravel the mystery, piece by piece, in a quest for answers." 

Mr. Dolan has decided to reexamine a video which has been proven to be a hoax. A hoax, plain and simple. Unfortunate. When such nonsense is promoted by supposedly grounded researchers, it gives the perception that the content in question is worthy of consideration. Since perception is reality for many in the UFO subculture, Mr. Dolan's decision is ill-advised and potentially destructive. Mr. Dolan has also advocated for the legitimacy of the Aztec, New Mexico crash/retrieval case from March of 1948, yet another historical case that has been shown to be a complete hoax, so his embracing of hoaxes had already been firmly established prior to his recent post.

When taken in combination with Mr. Dolan's active participation in the UFO event circuit, the situation becomes crystal clear. Mr. Dolan has decided to step away from legitimate investigative research towards a far more financially advantageous avenue. That is truly a shame, for the UFO research community cannot afford to lose any members, not with the influence of fame being so irresistible. I often wonder what the late Dr. James E. McDonald would think of Mr. Dolan's decision. We can safely assume that the magnificent doctor would not be a fan of Mr. Dolan, or his injudicious course of action. 

Only in the UFO subculture are former professional wrestlers looked at as legitimate investigative researchers. Only in the UFO subculture is the constant reexamination of hoaxes taken as a productive course of action. Seems Mr. Richard Dolan has begun the process of abandoning his professional integrity, all in an effort to make a buck, and to become a charter member of the UFO entertainment industry. 

Note: This blog posting is not a personal attack on Mr. Dolan, it is strictly an opinion piece on his professional choices. 

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


  1. Excellent reporting. . .

  2. Madison Livingston :I believe that Mr Richard Dolan, if not on the government payroll in the past, probably is today.

  3. Accepting that invitation from Schmitt and Maussan to appear on the podium in Mexico City for the unveiling of the "Roswell Mummy" was the perverbial last straw for me. He's been enamored w/ his reflection in the mirror for years. And he's only one of many...

  4. Let's not forget Vallee's new book TRINITY which again features a 100% hoax case that he promotes as authentic.

    1. Absolutely! That is fodder for a future blog posting. Sincerest thanks for your comment!

  5. I was a huge fan of Dolan until I met him at a conference. Meh. IMHO, his research is marred by his desire for the spotlight. I completely agree that there's NO POINT in rehashing old events unless new evidence has come to light, and new "perspectives" are not qualifying evidence. Finally, I have a dear friend who was a professional wrestler 50 years ago. Because of all the deception he encountered, he would have made a fine researcher-scholar had he chose to go in that direction.


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