The Magnificent Hitch.

Greetings. "Beware the irrational, however seductive. Shun the 'transcendent' and all who invite you to subordinate or annihilate yourself. Distrust compassion; prefer dignity for yourself and others. Don't be afraid to be thought arrogant or selfish. Picture all experts as if they were mammals. Never be a spectator of unfairness or stupidity. Seek out argument and disputation for their own sake; the grave will supply plenty of time for silence. Suspect your own motives, and all excuses. Do not live for others any more than you would expect others to live for you." Christopher Hitchens (1949-2011)

Christopher Eric Hitchens. 

Born on the 13th of April in 1949 in Portsmouth, Hampshire, England, Hitchens attended Balliol College in Oxford and graduated in the early 1970's. His epistemological razor states, "What can be asserted without evidence, can also be dismissed without evidence." His razor is still embraced in the fields of philosophy and law practice. 

Hitchens wrote eighteen books on faith, culture, politics, and literature, placing his critical thinking skills on full display for public scrutiny. His direct approach to the issues at hand made him famous, and infamous in many circles. By the early 1980's, Hitchens emigrated to the United States, and eventually wrote for "The Nation" and "Vanity Fair." Perhaps the most influential atheist of his time, Hitchens became a much sought-after speaker and presenter. 

Hitchens' views on a wide range of topics morphed during his lifetime, displaying a strong ability to change his positions depending on the available information while incorporating his personal experiences into his views. Hitchens was in favor of reasonable gun rights, and against assault rifles, supported same-sex marriages, had complex views on abortion, and was a supporter of equal pay and rights for women around the world. 

Initially, Hitchens labeled himself as a democratic socialist, but as the decades passed, his political points of view became more centered, although he strongly pushed back against being called a conservative. His views on religion were polarizing and controversial. Hitchens was an anti-theist, and felt that all religions were false, harmful and authoritarian in nature. Hitchens supported free expression, the scientific method, and the separation of state and church. 

Christopher Eric Hitchens passed away on December 15th of 2011 due to complications from oesophageal cancer.

I have greatly admired the work of a few outstanding writers; Carl Sagan, Kevin Randle, George Orwell, and Charles Dickens being numbered among them, but the summit of my admiration has always been occupied by the late Christopher Hitchens. His approach to a wide variety of issues is something I have always held in high regard, a literary course of action that is too often looked upon in a negative way nowadays. I first became aware of Hitchens' work during my freshman year in college, and I began to devour his work as my university studies continued. I didn't always agree with Hitchens' positions, but I always respected the manner with which he attacked the topics he wrote about. Hitchens' work continues to have a strong influence on my writing and my thoughts about life's mysteries and challenges. 

In recent months, I have been re-reading Hitchens' works, with his 2007 piece "god is not Great" occupying my mind at this point in time. His untimely passing is something I will always lament, for I feel very strongly that today's toxic, polarized, and troubling environment could use a dose of Christopher Hitchens and his honest, informed, and intellectual voice. Miss you Hitch!

Thank you for your time and indulgence. 


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