Recycled Information, Worthy Endeavors.

Greetings. As 2023 comes to a close, it makes sense to take an honest look at the previous calendar year. 

On May 1st, an event allegedly took place in Las Vegas, Nevada. Talk of aliens and a crashed UFO made the rounds for a few weeks, then the story disappeared as quickly as MUFON's own Jan Harzan after being arrested for sexual solicitation (allegedly.) Witnesses stopped talking. No physical evidence ever came to light. Nobody seemed to want to take the logical course of action and look for the alleged crash site. As it turns out, the entire scenario was a hoax, although some UFO "researchers" will likely keep the story alive, despite the total lack of evidence to support it. Shades of the Aztec, Aurora, Del Rio, and Maury Island hoaxes. Better call in Noe Torres, Ruben Uriarte, Daniel Alan Jones, or Scott and Suzanne Ramsey to the scene. There are hoaxes to promote and capitalize on.

Once again disclosure was promised and not delivered, despite what some in the UFO subculture claim. This past summer, on July 26th specifically, U.S. Congressional hearings were held, with Mr. David Charles Grusch sitting front and center. His second-hand testimonials made the news, and were the subject of much spirited debate, but if one takes a careful look at what the gentleman actually said, it was nothing new. UFO crash/retrieval programs? Recovered technology? Non-human biologics? Anyone with some general knowledge of UFO history would recognize Mr. Grusch's claims for what they are, old news. In the words of my friend Everett Themer, the co-host of "Extension 13," available at, it was "recycled information." Exactly.

As always, George Knapp, Jeremy Corbell, Steven Greer, Jaime Maussan, and Linda Moulton Howe have continued to provide and gain financially from "quality" disinformation, misinformation, and fake news. Their followers (suckers) will continue to be led around by their all-accepting noses, towards a promised goal which never comes to fruition. Despite the efforts of the aforementioned grifters, the future holds some hope, in the form of some outstanding organizations. All are squarely focused on investigating the UFO problem, all the while maintaining a discreet distance from the sensationalized content that pervades the UFO subculture. They are as follows:

Expanding Frontiers Research, available at Led by Executive Director Erica Lukes, the organization takes a data driven approach to the UFO problem, which includes looking at the UFO issue from a historical perspective. With the assistance of Jack Brewer and Barry Greenwood, Expanding Frontiers Research is one of the few organizations that maintains a high level of personal and professional integrity, keeping far, far away from the nonsense.

The National UFO Historical Records Center, available at Led by Executive Director David Marler, an outstanding archivist and researcher of the UFO issue, the NUFOHRC is actively acquiring historical documentation, case studies, and other such material for safe keeping and thorough examination. The organization recently acquired the archival files of APRO, the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, a truly momentous accomplishment. Historical data allows modern UFO researchers to place newer events in a proper perspective, so the efforts of NUFOHRC are absolutely essential. Assisting in the effort are Jan Aldrich, Mark Rodeghier, and Barry Greenwood. Bravo gentlemen!

The San Antonio Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, available at Led by President Venus R. Pullin, the San Antonio Aerial Phenomena Research Organization is a scientifically minded organization that promotes valid information and legitimate investigative efforts. The organization's approach is a credit to Venus' personal integrity and strong leadership, with her passion for investigating the UFO problem on full public display. The late Coral Lorenzen would be proud!

The Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies, available at The Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies is a think-tank comprised of accomplished and credentialed people who have decades of experience examining the UFO issue. The SCU has members who hold advanced degrees in a wide variety of fields, all of whom apply their knowledge to the investigative effort. The SCU has Venus R. Pullin, Rich Hoffman, and Robert Powell among its distinguished members.

All of these aforementioned organizations are non-profit endeavors, free of nonsensical content, and void of unprofessional conduct, unlike some organizations named MUFON. They are all deserving of our full support and accolades. The future looks bright indeed. 

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


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