Aliens, Flying Saucers, etc....

Greetings. The mystery of unidentified flying objects has remained unanswered, despite the research efforts of many dedicated individuals. Could the answer be right in front of us? Could the answer be simpler than we think? Let's consider the possibilities....

Beginning with the U.S. military's initial forays into UFO investigations, just prior to the establishment of the U.S. Air Force's Project Sign, the powers that be have had a vested interest in the topic, even it they made strong efforts to keep such interests unknown to the prying eyes of the general public. As Project Sign became Project Grudge, eventually becoming the well-known Project Blue Book, investigative efforts continued, albeit with varying levels of legitimacy. As the names changed, the basic efforts did not change to any substantial degree, only the level of openness having any real variability. 

On the civilian front, several organizations surfaced; Ground Saucer Watch, APRO (Aerial Phenomena Research Organization,) NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena,) and MUFON (Mutual UFO Network,) the latter being the best known to the public at large. As these organizations came into existence and eventually went extinct, civilian investigators continued to collect witness testimonials, occasionally collect physical traces, and conduct field investigations when resources allowed. Nowadays, the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) is the only organization still in operation, but they are not an investigative group any longer, with the entirety of their efforts directed towards "ufotainment." 

Nowadays we don't have any large field investigative organizations in operation, with the National UFO Reporting Center, the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies, and the National UFO Historical Records Center, among a few others, continuing to collect witness testimonials and historical information on the UFO topic, but all wanting of investigators actively at work in the field. Such has been the situation since MUFON decided to abandon their professional integrity in the name of financial gain and notoriety. 

Putting aside the short historical summary, what have the past decades of investigative work shown us? Have we found any answers to the UFO problem? Do we know anything of substance? It seems the answers to the latter two questions is a firm no, with the first question being more open to discussion. Since we have no specific answers, the possibility that we have not asked the right questions is something to be considered. Perhaps, just perhaps, the answers are in front of our collective noses, with the correct questions needing to be asked by the right people at the right time. The answers to the UFO problem might be fairly simple, with Occam's Razor in play. We don't know what we don't know, and that is a scary proposition, and the reality of the situation. 

The National UFO Reporting Center is available at

The Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies is available at

The National UFO Historical Records Center is available at

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


  1. I enjoy reading your blog, William. What are your thoughts on the newly formed SOL Foundation?

    1. Sincerest thanks for your kind words Sir. I am cautiously optimistic about the new endeavor. Cautious being the operative word. I'll likely write up a post about the organization after a calendar year has passed, to see what transpires.


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