A Contrary, Incongruous Point of Consideration.

Greetings. The search for extraterrestrial life, and possible alien visitation continues, but is it a misdirected effort? Let's take a look at some less-than-popular possibilities. 

The UFO phenomenon has been in the public's view since the end of World War II. Several flaps and waves have come and gone, some truly interesting cases have come to light, and a slew of theories have become entrenched in the minds of many, despite a scarcity of tangible proof to support them. Time travelers, extraterrestrials, multidimensional visitors, and a few lesser-known ideas have occupied a place on the discussion table, at least in the UFO subculture, but none of the aforesaid theories have been strongly bolstered by evidence. 

To be sure, there are some historical UFO cases that do feature some physical evidence, but that evidence has simply confirmed that the described events actually took place, nothing more, and has not been proven after scientific scrutinization to be anything extraordinary or suggestive of artificially constructed technologies originating from non-human intelligences. However, some in the UFO subculture do make that groundless leap, looking at such evidence as definitive proof of alien visitation, without using any critical thinking skills to arrive at a defensible determination prior to declaration. Such is the UFO subculture. Such is human behavior in the Holocene. 

One possibility that is hardly ever considered is the distinct possibility that time travelers, or extraterrestrials, or multidimensional visitors have not visited the Earth, and that some other potential explanation not yet offered may in fact be the ultimate answer to the UFO problem. Since no definitive evidence has been uncovered to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that time travelers, or extraterrestrials, or multidimensional visitors have come to Earth, the feasibility that none have cannot be easily discounted out of hand. I don't adhere to such a position, but I will not toss it into the wastebasket of UFO theories. Not until more information comes to light which would allow for such an action.

Do I hold to the position that alien visitation has occurred? Yes, but only on a few rare occasions. Do I hold to the position that alien abduction accounts are based in reality? Yes, but I will not discount other far more likely and reasonable explanations for the vast majority of alleged abduction accounts. Having said all that, the aforementioned statements are just my opinions, and not worth anything when it comes to the investigative endeavor. Our opinions are of no consequence, only what we can declare after thorough scientific investigation carries any substantial weight. Nothing has been proven when it comes to the mystery of unidentified flying objects, which logically means that many unpopular possibilities are still at play, including the chance that none of this is anything extraordinary, but is simply unexplained. It is not a popular concept in the UFO subculture, but it is a possibility, regardless of the likelihood. 

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


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