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Why do People Believe Bullshit?

Greetings. The world we reside in holds many unsolved enigmas and fascinating mysteries. Our species has consistently wondered about the possibilities and potentialities, whether from the shelter of a Pleistocene Era cave, or from the comfort of our own air-conditioned homes. As time has moved forward, the situation has morphed into a far less fruitful endeavor.  2024 has arrived, and the bullshit meter is on full tilt. People all over the planet believe things that are simply untrue, folklore that has been proven to be completely false and firmly grounded in nonsense. Don't believe me? Examine the current situation yourself, don't rely on my skeptical point of view. Millions of people believe the Earth is flat. Many people believe Elvis Presley is still alive and well. Some voters in the United States believe that Democrats eat babies and that Republicans are evil cultists. Some people in our society think that a race of reptilians has infiltrated various world governments, fo

More Words, Wanting of Proof and Evidence.

Greetings. Words, words, and more words.  That is what the UFO subculture has to work with in its never-ending attempt to prove the case for alien visitation. In all actuality, the subculture is not attempting anything of the sort, for their collective minds are already made up, with an unshakable faith in the unconfirmed, the unsubstantiated. Claims of alien abduction, alien visitation, and of crash retrievals, recovered non-terrestrial technology, and non-terrestrial organic material have been around for decades now, but where is the evidence? Nowhere, for such evidence has never come to light, but the words keep on meandering down the UFO road. Witness testimonials rule the UFO roost, held in high regard and seen as evidence by a good majority of those in the UFO arena, but is such content evidence? In a word, no. Such content is anecdotal, and nothing more. It amounts to, in the words of the New York Post's Steven Greenstreet, a UFO religion.  Many UFO people feel that professi

Why Skepticism Matters.

Greetings. Skepticism is not seen as a popular course of action by the majority of the UFO subculture, in fact, it is often vilified or erroneously labeled as debunking. The effort to ask questions and inquire about the validity of claims, evidence, and information is an essential one, absolutely necessary if credible and legitimate investigations are to be conducted.  Despite what many in the UFO world seem to believe, people do misidentify phenomena they have the opportunity to observe. Happens all the time, and not just to alleged UFO witnesses. Ask any law enforcement officer, or district attorney. They will often lament the exact same situation; people are often not capable of making accurate accounts and observations. That is a primary reason why crime scene investigators take great pains to determine the validity, or lack thereof, of any and all anecdotal information at their disposal. The blind acceptance of such information is unwise, sloppy, unprofessional, and often leads to