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Yami Virgin. A "Journalist."

Greetings. Here in the United States, the quality of journalism at play is questionable, often times disconcerting, many times downright embarrassing. Providing accurate and objective information to the public has taken a back seat to subjective commentary and doubling-down behaviors. One such example is Ms. Yami Virgin, a journalist who currently works for KABB-TV, the FOX affiliate in San Antonio, Texas.  Ms. Virgin posted a video on her Facebook page which garnered quite a number of comments and declarations, some reasonable, many reflective of the critical thinking skills, or lack thereof, of the general public. The video shows a Falcon 9 rocket ascending towards Earth orbit, separating from a booster stage along its flight path. Nothing anomalous. Nothing extraordinary. Nothing extraterrestrial.  Ms. Virgin began her post with, and I quote, "Omg. Anyone know what this is? Look at the video notice that there are other stars or planes and they do not look foggy like when there’

Prattle About Bupkis.

Greetings. UFOs, or the other acronym, have been the subject of quite a bit of chatter in recent years. The tumult is almost deafening.  Back in decades prior, discussions about the UFO problem tended to focus on the issue itself, witness testimonials, sighting reports, and the results of the field investigations actually conducted at the time. The UFO subculture seemed to be less enamored with the sensationalized aspects of the topic, with some notable exceptions. As time has irrevocably progressed, the situation has changed, and not for the better.  Putting aside the entertainment wing of the UFO subculture, the lion's share of the rhetoric nowadays is centered around the claims and promotional activity of only a few well-known individuals. The Ross Coultharts of the UFO world have become the center of attention, all as a result of the public's fascination with unsubstantiated claims and declarations, with such statements completely void of anything tangible, with nothing of

Feeding the UFO Chickens.

Greetings. The UFO subculture has made some truly revealing statements in recent days, some coming from some notable individuals. Let's take a candid look. The recently released AARO report has become a talking point for many in the UFO subculture, with a good percentage of the conversation focused on the report's shortcomings. Now while the historical errors and inaccuracies contained within the pages of the AARO report are certainly troubling and inexcusable, the same could be said about the vast majority of the UFO literature. Such errors can be found in most UFO books and papers, but strangely, nobody has ever shouted from the ufological mountaintops to complain about those informational missteps. As it pertains to the AARO report, many have taken up residence at the summit of Mt. Soapbox, an ideal spot to pick at the report's shortcomings, all the while taking the focus off the report's valid and scientifically defensible conclusions.  The persons shouting from Mt.