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Really Mr. Bassett?

Greetings. Stephen Bassett is the face of the disclosure movement, and has been for decades, although Luis Elizondo has been taking the limelight away in recent years.  On December 30th, Mr. Stephen Bassett made the following statement on X, better known as Twitter, and I quote: "The answer to 'why another X-files reboot' is: from one end of the TV/Film/Streaming industry to the other, UAP related content projects are in the works because the content creators know what is coming - Disclosure."  Some questions immediately present themselves, inquiries that to my skeptical mind are logical and necessary.  1. How do Hollywood producers, content creators in the words of Mr. Bassett, know that disclosure is coming?  2. Do some Hollywood producers have access to information that is not available to the general public?  3. Why would the powers that be inform Hollywood producers about anything UFO related and secret in form?  4. How does Mr. Bassett know that the Hollywood pr

Are All Witnesses Reliable Observers?

Greetings. The scientific research community views witness testimonials as the weakest, least reliable form of information. Objective analysis bears that out, but how do witnesses measure up when it comes to the UFO problem?  People have been reporting unidentified flying objects for decades now, since at least the 1930's, if not a quite a bit earlier. Since the 1940's, witnesses have had the opportunity to file reports about their alleged events, usually with civilian groups and organizations. In that time, the majority of those UFO reports have escaped investigation, a sad result of the consistent lack of qualified field investigators, a problem experienced by every single group and organization. The situation has not changed to a substantial degree, and likely will always be a blemish on the UFO research community. As a result of this historical investigative shortcoming, it is difficult to extract any firm deductions about the available information on the UFO subject, but s

An Interesting Observation, only Interesting Though.

Greetings. What people around the world have attested to has changed quite a bit since the modern history of the UFO phenomenon began during World War II. Nobody knows exactly why, but it does make for some thoughtful consideration.  Many years ago, in Edinburg, Texas, I happened to come into the possession of a compact disc copy of "The Randle Report," a 1990's radio program out of El Paso, Texas, which was hosted by my friend Kevin D. Randle. The episode I received from Kevin featured an interview with the late Budd Hopkins, well known for his association with the abduction question. The interaction between Kevin and Mr. Hopkins was measured, at times playful, and often times, challenging. Kevin's skepticism concerning the abduction question came across clear as a Colorado sky, with Mr. Hopkins defending his own positions in a admirable manner. However, one single statement made by Mr. Hopkins stood out, and remains a point of interest for yours truly. I sincerely a