The Chase Continues, but What do the Extraterrestrials Think?

Greetings. The question of whether or not we are alone in the vast expanse that is the known universe has been at the forefront of the human condition since we first descended from the trees of Africa all those uncounted thousands of years ago. Cavemen living in Europe likely spent time looking at the stars in the Pleistocene night sky, wondering and wondering. 

Now the human race has arrived at 2024, with our technology and intelligence. But has anything changed, and what about them? 

We have spent vast amounts of time and money on exploratory efforts to learn about the universe and its mysteries. We have landed on the Moon, sent unmanned probes to the outer planets, and even made it as far as escaping the heliosphere into interstellar space. All amazing accomplishments for a species of hominid from a rocky planet orbiting an ordinary main sequence star in the Milky Way Galaxy. 

On the other side of the coin, we have spent vast amounts of time and money blowing members of our own species into oblivion, with more and more effective results as our collective technological/destructive prowess advances. We have managed to systematically destroy large swaths of the planet, all in an effort to feed the continually growing world population, at last count an astounding eight billion individuals. We have even killed off species for no logical or productive reason, unless the necessity for feathered hats for women has suddenly become important to the survival of the human race. 

So the human race is capable of outstanding feats of ingenuity, yet is warlike and self-destructive all at the same time. What a bizarre species of animal we are, or so they might think. They you ask? Who are they? Well, the extraterrestrials that so many are completely convinced are looking at us from afar, occasionally journeying to make landfall to abduct and test, examine and investigate. Or so some people claim. We think of ourselves as intelligent, yet our behavior suggests otherwise. Would an intelligent species destroy its only home? Would an intelligent species conduct its business in such an illogical, self-destructive, and counterproductive manner? In my humble opinion, no it would not, yet here we are, labeling ourselves as intelligent while we blow each other up on a daily basis. However, my opinion is the conclusion of only one such creature, as illogical and fallible as all the other humans infesting the planet. 

What do the extraterrestrials think? One can only imagine. Assuming that non-terrestrial beings are bothering to spend time watching and examining our species, we can only guess what they think about our wars, our political leaders and rhetoric, our collective ignorance and propensity for violence, our racist and homophonic tendencies. Extraterrestrials may not think very highly of us at all, keeping a distance from the fray, far away from the armed apes that occupy the planet's surface. Now that would be the conduct of an intelligent species. 

Thank you for your time and indulgence. 


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