Money, Money, Money. It's a Rich Man's World.

Greetings. Money. Perhaps no other carnal motivation can be so influential on a field of study or entertainment industry as money. The goal of financial gain, the allure of the almighty dollar and its attached gems, prizes, and ancillary treasures. Although the lure of money has always been a part of our capitalistic society, it goes without saying that some spheres of activity are far more susceptible to money's pull, money's power, money's attraction. 

The UFO subculture may be at the summit of that particular heap, completely at the mercy of the almighty dollar, with the field having willfully abandoned its integrity decades ago to chase the dollars down the UFO road to oblivion. In past decades, the UFO field had a strong representation of legitimate researchers and investigators, all working to solve the UFO problem, whereas nowadays the credibility of the majority of the people who have a level of notoriety in the field is firmly in question. Once upon a time, the UFO field had Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Dr. James E. McDonald, Coral Lorenzen, her husband Jim Lorenzen, and Ted Phillips numbered among its most distinguished and accomplished researchers. Now, in 2024, we have the Corbells, the Knapps, the Dolans, and the Moulton Howes, not to mention a whole slew of other "hanger-oners" that ride the coattails of the better known celebrities of the UFO world.

Now obviously there are people in other fields who make good money while maintaining a level of integrity. Such a course of action is not impossible, in fact, it is the norm. Be it Steve Jobs, or Neil deGrasse Tyson, or the late Stephen Hawking, holding onto one's own professional integrity is relatively simple to accomplish, if one chooses to do so. However, in the UFO subculture, the pattern of behavior has always been readily apparent, at least since the 1980's. Let's summarize here, before I decide to join MUFON and slash my wrist while doing it:

Firstly, make your name by making a claim(s.) Proof? Evidence? Don't worry, nobody needs that!

Secondly, commence to embrace everything from here to kingdom come, and don't be skeptical about anyone or anything. 

Thirdly, start making the rounds on the UFO circuit, appearing on as many shows (not programs) as possible, and promote those appearances until the green cows come home from the Moon. Go on Dave Scott's "Spaced Out Radio." He'll be sure to keep his lips brown with desire. 

Fourthly, write a book, and declare that it will contain groundbreaking information never before heard by the ears of members of the UFO subculture (suckers.) Of course, the book will fall short, but no matter. There's always time to write another, nothing is "Imminent" in this sad, sad arena.

Finally, keep pushing forward, don't rest on your laurels (substantial backside,) just keep on talking, and keep on providing nothing tangible as proof. Nobody will notice. 

They will buy it all, hook, line, and sinker. Believe me. Actually don't believe me, for like our good friend Mr. Luis Elizondo, I have absolutely no proof or evidence to back up my statement.

Now to be perfect clear and candid, there are still some credible and accomplished individuals in the UFO field that have continued to work on the UFO issue, but they toil behind the scenes, out of the spotlight that has spelled doom for so many other's professional rectitude. Their work and dedication is beyond reproach, and has remained so despite the strong and negative influence of the UFO entertainment industry and its diety, the almighty dollar. As the lyrics of Abba's 1976 hit "Money, Money, Money" declared, "Money, money, money, always sunny, in the rich man's world." Agreed. It is eternally sunny within the confines of the UFO entertainment industry, where proof and evidence does not matter, where claims void of substance are all that is needed to make some headway towards fame and notoriety. Just ask Luis Elizondo. A man who talks a good game, but provides nothing of substance to back it up. 

Maybe Elizondo and Derrel Sims can form a professional wrestling tag-team outfit. Can you say "The Excrement Boys?"

Thank you for your time and indulgence.  


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